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Our Stupid Slang

Now I am just going to explain some of our slang, so you understand what the hell we are talking about. You can link to the Frequently Asked Questions off the bottom of here.

Busted - If something is broken, it's busted. If something makes us mad, it's busted. If things don't go our way, that's busted. If something doesn't make sense, it's busted.
Variations include:
busted ass _____: Example, "my busted ass car" , "this busted ass cd", "my busted ass job"
busted nuts, busted mullets: If something goes wrong, you scream one of these phrases.

Mullet - We call things mullets. Anything that's "busted" is a mullet. Or, Jen's haircut. Or Kevin Richardsons's. They have the same mullet. I have Howie's mullet.

Wishkid - When Kate went to the VMA's, she was shown on TV. She's behind the Chili Peppers, clapping when they win their award. She looks like a WishKid, so we now use the word to describe any person we don't like. (Well, we do like Kate, she's the original WishKid, but all other WishKids we don't like.) Also, Jen is a nanny, and she calls the kids she nannies for "her wishkids"

______alicious - We add the term "alicious" onto just about everything, to accentuate the fact that it's great. Better than just the regular word.
Examples: Crunkalicious, skankalicious, stretchalicious.

I HATE that - Although we say this very often, it's rare that we actually HATE what we are talking about. Unless it's Steve Fatone, we really do hate him. Anything else, it just means we don't like it all that much. The reason I am even explaining this, is because I've been told I have "deep emotional problems, and I scare people by using the word hate so freely" by people online. Whatever, I don't REALLY hate that much.

PSSSH with the _____ - If we are talking about something we hate, we say pssh with it.
Examples: Pssh with Weinerdog, Pssh with that CD

150 Billion - Whenever we are comparing something in terms of numbers, it is 150 billion. Or, 150 billion times better. This came from Steve Fatone saying NSYNC's new tour was "150 billion times better than the last tour."

Lalalalala what's this? - This phrase is said in a high pitch voice, about anythng, we use it for Ricky in a lot of the stories.. but you kinda have to hear the voice to get it. Ricky doesnt really say it.

SCORE! - This came from a busted gargoyle we had to travel with for 14 hours in a car. Everytime someone burped, she'd yell "SCORE!" Now, whenever something good happens to us, we say "score". Or "It was a score" or "Double double score on the mullet scale" Or, this is irrelevant, but "double double mullet on the richter scale"

Missedoutpeace - If you miss something on TV, miss metting someone, etc. You have missedoutpeace. It's said as one word. For example, "Jen missedoutpeace on metting No Authority with us the first time."

Woompah - We just say this to emphasize something happening. Like this "He came over and was all WOOMPAH! Ricky is here." Or, we use it to mean getting hit, "She pissed me off so I went over and WOOMPAH!, bopped her in the head." We may even just say "woompahed her in the head.

Metting/Meeting - We do them backwards. Fot example: I had so much fun when I meeted No Authority. Have you ever meet them before? I can't wait to met them again? Steve Fatone was also the one that gave us this, because he said them that way. Damnit that piece of shit influenced us a lot.

Gargoyle - This derived from spending 18 hours in a car with a girl that could only sit still like a statue (gargoyle) looked like a beast (gargoyle) and mumbled incoherent bullshit such as skdljfsdlkmcsldkfj JC sdkjfsldkmdoisf Chris slkdjfskldjf Justin. (gargoyle). Therefore, anyone we deem as an ass, is a gargoyle.

Crunk - Come on, you know Justin Timberlake, he said it was his fave word like 2 years ago. Welp, Lil Bow Wow says it now and he's our homie and the words just so conveniant and fun to use so yeah...we say it alot. It varies from good to bad. Like, "crunked" means bad or stolen or broken. "crunkles" or "crunkalicious" or just plain "crunk" is good.

I would finally like to add, that we use the word "retarded" very freely. We have nothing against mentally challenged people. My own cousin is a retard. Peace.

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