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Dear Santa...

Before Eric covered himself in stamps we were able to grabbed his letter and ahem "stamp it for him". Wanna see what he asked for

Hey Santa. It's me! Eric. Eric Stretch. Eric LEE Stretch.

I thought I should write you my letter of things I want for Christmas.

1 gray sweater, 2 gray sweaters, 3 gray sweaters, 4 gray sweaters, 5 gray sweaters, *6* gray sweaters! It'll be GREEEAT! Then I won't have to EVER do laundry again, can you believe that?!

A scooter. I want to zoom zoom zoom all over town when Tommy is borrowing Mortimer.

A new finger pal. A deluxe kind please, with a diamond bead and gold colored elastic.

A nose hair trimmer, I don't know why, but I think it would be a lot of fun.

Whoopie cushion. I think it will be funny to make Ricky think he has a gas problem.

Juggling kit. I need a new hobby.

The Disney movie "Alice in Wonderland" so I have something to watch when I'm huh, huh, huh...

A case of Caronas. Those bitches get expensive.

Eliminate Aaron Carter & O-Town from existence, please, they both SUCK!

Ok, Santa. I guess that's all. If I come up with something else after I get back from chasing Danny in the Jacko mask then I'll write more.

-SEE YA!- Eric Stretch

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