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We don’t mind getting mail, we actually like it, actually. BUT, before you IM or Email us, read this. Thank You.

Make sure you have read the DISCLAIMER before you send us anything.

Be aware that once your mail hits our mailbox, it’s our property. If we want to put it on the site and comment on it, or if it’s a hatemail and we want to make fun of YOU, by hitting “send” you are giving us all rights to what you wrote. Don’t worry, we won’t post your email address. We aren’t that mean.

By putting my email address here, I am NOT giving you permission to add me to your list of people you send chain letters to. Anyone who sends me a forward or chain letter will get an email from me asking you to STOP. If you do it again, I’ll report you. Plain and simple.

Don’t send us porn.

We do read all mail, but realize we have lives and jobs, we do NOT have time to reply to all the email we get. Please don’t get offended if we don’t write back. You have your best shot at getting us to reply if you write something interesting and not “Hi I like your site. IM me sometime.” Why the hell would I IM you? From that email you just showed me you have less personality than Danny.

Speaking of IM’s, if you IM me, and I don’t answer you, it means I’m BUSY or NOT SITTING AT THE COMPUTER. So don’t get a nasty old attitude because I’m not answering you. Angelfire and Instant Message don’t mix, if I’m working on the site, I can’t IM.

All right, I hope this is all clear.

Kate – Email: (IM name is the same or Buterflyinmyhair)

Kid Nicky - Email: (IM name is the same or NickCarterHumper)

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