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Eric’s Bio Our Way

All the teenies sites use bios, so we figured we’d do them too.. but ours are a little bit different.

Name: Eric Lee Stretch
Birthdate: June 22, 1980
Height: We can fit under his armpit snuggly.
Weight: 11 Pounds
Nicknames: E-Smack, Stretchles, Gumby, Red Carpet, Assgrabba, FingerPal
Jacko masks, the Thriller dance, his over 21 fans, green mystery juice, candlelight chats, touching his own ass, Caronas, Ricky, Mardi Gras beads, his 'fag bag'
Hates: FingerPal, being tied down at photo shoots so he stays still, duct tape, Ricky, Aaron Carter & O-Town
Personal Quote: "Smoke weed every day" "Greeeeeeat" "Can you BELIEVE she said that?"
Wanna read more bios?
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