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Eric's Diary

Eric is nuts. He has a lot to say. And he gets it all written down in his diary when he doesn't eat the pencils first. So here it is, for you to read, his innermost thoughts. Updated when he writes more. Newest entries come first.

I HATE that Tommy gets to be 21 before me. I'm the facken party animal of the group. I bought him a present though. A mini Mortimer. I think I'm so funny. BECAUSE I AM! Ok, I'm going to get going, I have some plans to toilet paper Tommy's apartment with some friends. Buh byee. Eric LEE Stretch.

HEEEEEY! It's 2001 now and I've been SO not busy. OH MY GAWD. I sit online besides everyday and block people it's great! Valentine's Day is in like 3 days or whatever, and I so can't wait to take my significant other out to McDonalds. Then we'll drive around in Morty and count the stars, before heading home for a good old fashioned spoon. They are SO trying to get me to play in this facken charity basketball game this week too. Oh no no no honey, Eric Stretch doesn't THINK so. Fack that game and FACK our managament. Whatever, I'm going, this was fun for awhile but I'm over it now. Peace. - Eric. Eric Lee. Eric Lee Stretch.

Wasssssssssssup? I bet you thought that I fell of the face of the earth? Nope. No way. Nah-uh. I was touring! I just thought I would write because it's been a whole month and Christmas Eve is here. Wow! Can you BELIEVE it? I really hope I get all I ask for. I added more to my list. I want a new finger pal. I think it's about time I start wearing it again. It's greeeat! I also want a nose hair trimmer and a whoopie cushin. Gotta go now, it's time to decorate Mortimer. I bought these crazy lights all different colors and stuff. XoXo - Eric. Eric Lee. Eric Lee Stretch.

Hi. Me again. Miss me? Long time no talk. Yesterday was Thanksgiving. Grrrreat! Today is the biggest shopping day of the year. Double grrrreat! I wrote out my list of what I'm thankful for. My 'fag bag', my skunk streak, my glasses & my gray sweater (cause I wear it like EVERYday). I also wrote out what I want for Christmas. I want 6 more sweaters all the same color so I can wear a different one everyday of the week & not EVER have to do laundry. How grrrrreat would that be? I hope I get a scooter too. I'm bored with the pogo stick. I get bored easily, or at least that's what the other guys tell me. I should go, I can't sit still. I'm going to chase after the bus. All my hugs and kisses. ASSGRABBA

Hi, remember me? Eric, Eric Lee Stretch. I love my name. I love everything. I always tell you that. I hope you remember me. I was thinking today that I get to go home soon. I can't wait. I sure do miss Mortimer. I can't wait to hop in and play my Destiny's Child CD really loud and drive up and down the block late at night. I think my neighbors know when I'm home cause they always close the blinds to their windows. Who cares? They just don't know how to have fun, like ME! I was in the chat for Nickelodeon. I talked about Jacko! WWwwwwweeeeeee! I wanna go skinny dipping. I think I'll do that. I'll miss you diary, maybe I'll bring you with me to the pool. I don't want to ruin you though. Talk to you later. I'm already naked and ready to go. Tigger bounces & Rockstar dreams. ERIC LEE STRETCH

Whoooo hooo! Vegas, there are so many things to do here that’s fun. I’m so excited, isn’t that a shocker? I was looking at my ass today in the mirror, damn! It looks good, I LOVE my ass. I love everything, nothing brings me down, I’m Eric Stretch. I put FingerPal back on today for a few minutes, but then I took her off and put her back in her case. Sometimes I just miss FingerPal, ya know? I wonder if the fans do. I’m going. I need to go run through traffic. Bye Bye Bye! Eric Stretch

HIIIIII!!! Eric is here, that’s me, Eric Stretch! Eric Lee Stretch! How are you? I’m good. You? That’s good. I had a good day today. I love you diary. I love everything, I need to calm down. Where’s my music? I want to hear the Footloose soundtrack. Why? I dunno. I like to eat worms sometimes. HAHAH. Just kidding there. I am hyper. You know that. Right now the pencil is scratching through the page cuz I’m writing so fast. HAHHAHA! Funny. Wait, be right back…
Ok, I just went and jumped on all the beds here in the hotel, hit my head too. HAHA! FUNNY! I’m ok though. I just needed something to do. As I write this now I’m jogging up and down the hotel hallway. Whooo. I wonder if people will get mad if I knock on their doors. Here I go! I’m faster than them. Well, I’m gonna run. Literally, RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN !!!! Smoke weed every day!! Maybe I should, might calm me down… oh! Tommorow's Halloween, I got Ricky to agree to be the horses ass. HAHAHA! I love my ass! Well, G’bye! – Eric Stretch

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