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Frequently Asked Questions

Sometimes we talk about things that don't make sense. Well, they DO make sense to US, but probably not to you. All three of us have a HUGE tendency to just ramble on incoherently. Rather than answer individual emails on all these things, we're going to give you a frequently asked questions and dictionary of the site, to help you understand better. This should also help make the stories a lot more funny, and answer any questions you may have. This is the FAQ, but you can link to the actual dictionary of our slang at the bottom.

What is a GalPal? When Kate first got her cell phone, she was proud of it and treated it like a person, she still does actually... even though it's dead now. Anyway, the one day she said to me "Just call my GalPal". This caused me to laugh for about 45 minutes. Now, the name has stuck, and we have a lot of people calling it that. So basically, GalPal = Cell Phone. Or, a friend that is a girl is your GalPal. But we mainly use it for the phone. A variation is "galpalling it with" (talking on the phone with)

Why do you call No Authority "Toyota & The BossHogs"? We started calling Ricky "Toyota" simply because his brothers name is "Hondo" which we interperated into "Honda" therefore making Ricky "Toyota". We do word association a lot, lol. The other guys became the BossHogs when Jen was leaving Tommy a message, and said something about "Ricky reporting to the bosshogs" meaning the other guys. So, we just came up with Toyota & The BossHogs as a new group name.

What's the deal with Danny and Times Square? Again, this stemmed from a message I left to Tommy, about Danny doing some chick in Times Square with a hot pink "Carson Let Me Up!" sign taped to his ass and flapping in the wind, some of ya'll might have seen the Carson Let Me Up sign at the Wilkes-Barre show on 12.13.00

What do your nicknames for the guys mean? Well, the main ones we use are "Assgrabba", "BoyPal", "Homeskillet", and "Dutch Boy" Eric's came from his ass obsession. Ricky became BoyPal because at first he was GayPal, but that's mean, and we don't think he's gay. So, he became BoyPal. Tommy is Homeskillet, because.. well, he's our homeskillet. Lol. 99% of the time that is shortened to Skillz. Finally, Danny is Dutch Boy because in the CIGY# video, he is skipping merrily in clogs.
Other names we use often are "Stretch" for Eric, because well, his last name is Stretch. We also call Ricky a "Peekle". (Think "pickle" in an accent) This came from one night, like 4am. Jen and I were sitting on Kate's bed, looking at NA pinups. We found one of Ricky with his mechanical smile and a bright green shirt. I said something about "I am Reecky, Reecky da peeekle!" Jen and I laughed like it was the funniest thing ever. It was at the time. And we call him Toyota, but that's explained above. Another name for Danny is "Draino". We call him Danno sometimes, and after his bathroom incident, we changed it to Draino. And finally, Tommy's second nickname is Minimouth, or MiniHead, or Miniskillet.

Why do you always have Eric say "Grrrrrreat" and "Besides Everyday"? Pop in your Double Dare tape for "great" it's right after the guy asks him about being a baker. "Besides everyday" came from some TV thing we have on tape. He DOES really say great in conversation, but not NEARLY as much as we have him say it.

Why do you always have Tommy say "Yes." He says it a lot. Listen, you'll pick it up.

Why do you always have Danny repeat himself? Because he does. He repeats himself a lot when he talks, but again, not NEARLY as much as we have him do it. We are big fine exagerraters.

What does "big fine" mean? Big fine means more than usual. A big fine fan, is more than just a fan. A big fine mullet, is more than just a mullet. A big fine hottie, is more than just a hottie.

How did Tommy and Danny approve the site? Ok, this was actually before we were even fans, lol. Kate was on the phone with Tommy, and she had said something about my old NSYNC humor site, and then she asked if we can make one about NA. He said sure, he didn't care. I don't think he really thought we'd do it, but guess what Skillz, here we are! Danny was in the room at the time, so we say he approved it too.

What is a BoyPal? BoyPal, besides being Ricky, also means any boy you like. They are your "BoyPal" For example, Matt from the Real World is one of my BoyPals. We started calling our boys BoyPals after a tabloid article about Wade J Robson calling him "Jacko's little BoyPal"

What's the deal with Jacko? The whole Jacko thing started before we liked No Authority. There is a big fine hottie choreographer named Wade J Robson. I used to have a crush on him. He is only 18, and when he was 11, he had "slumber parties" with Jacko. So, when we were supposed to go to Vegas when NSYNC was going to be there too, I was going to bring the Jacko mask to scare him. (He choreographs and tours with NSYNC) The Jacko mask was bought by Kate's dad YEARS ago, for 5 bucks. Anyway, it provides hours of fun, so I wore it to my first NA concert. At the time, I had NO idea that Jacko was the one that founded NA, or they were on his label for awhile. Nothing, I also didn't know Eric was obsessed with him. Eric now owns the mask, we gave him it. Kinda makes ya think.

Why do you think Danny has an NSYNC obsession? There are a few contributing factors that help prove this theory. One is the bedazzled black shirt Danny wears repeatedly.. I think I've seen that before. Oh yeah:

But only Danny's is missing some bedazzles, so we think he pulled it out of Justin's trash. Danny always makes comments about NSYNC, such as in a recent chat that if he could read anyone's diary, it would be NSYNC's. He has Lance's haircut. If you've been to the official site and took the time to download the "episodes" they have in one of them at the end Danny says something like he's "feeling NSYNC." Also, why else would he still talk to Josh Weiner?

Why do you hate Josh Weiner? This is a damn good question. I think we only hated him to start with because he's not Tommy. But then when we learned more about his Weiner ways (He makes fun of NA, the fact his last name is really WEINER, his speech impediment, and that he's NSYNC's bitch) it made the hate explode. But, ever since he replied to our emails, he's on our good side. Also, for those of you who don't know WHY we even call him Josh Weiner, Josh Keaton's last name is REALLY Weiner. He changed it because he's afraid of it.

Can I have Tommy's cell phone number? NO.

Can I have Tommy's email address? NO.

Can I have Steve Fatone's email address? SURE! Email the bastard at and tell him he needs to die. (Don't worry Skillz, no matter how mad you make us, we'd never ever do this to YOU. We promise. This we promise you even.)

Why are you so mean to Ricky? Do you hate him? No. We all like him. He's just really damn easy to make fun of. Sorry Peekle, you know it's all in fun!

What's a mini mouth? Look at a picture of Tommy. His mouth is mini. We like it. The tongue however, scares us.

Dictionary Of Slang - New - Other - Main