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Georgia - 01.20.01

(L-R) Kate, Tommy, Brittany, Jen
"We all look like bums." - Tommy

Well, being that we were in Jacksonville, Fl anyway, we had to do some shtuff and visit Jen's uncle Fred in the process.. LOL!!, we decided to go see NA in Georgia on the 20th. We aren't writing a review of everything that happened, because that's stupid. But, we feel the need to post some of our favorite quotes. Some of the things we said, especially us girls, will sound retarded. We were awake three days straight.

"Nice hat" - Brittany
"I stole it from Danny.. nice shirt" - Tommy
"Yep, we match" - Brittany
"Yeah.. we can do some kind of collabo THINK outfit" - Tommy

"Oh! Bommy Toy.. like Tommy Boy" - Tommy

"To tell you the truth honey I wasn't listening to a WORD you were saying" - Eric

"One for me, one for you, SCORE!" - Tommy

"Like my Pimp Sneaks?" - Danny

"They're my favorite group.." - Danny

"I wish I had some dollar bills" - Danny

"I'm caught in my coat!" - Jen

"I sold my car for 25 bucks" - Brittany

"I quit my job" - Jen

"There's plates over there... forks... knives.." - Tommy
"What about spoons? Do you have any spoons?" - Brittany
"Nope.." - Tommy
"Then I don't want any." - Brittany

"She needs her sleep" - Danny

"My uncle Fred, red cap if you will..." - Jen

"Stop chasing me! I hate creatures in costumes!" - Jen

"I'm not cheating, I'm just a gambling man!" - Tommy
"No, you're a cheating man. What are you pulling tricks out of your pan there Skillet?!" - Brittany

"*sigh* It's the Galpals" - Tommy

"Where's your SUPAFLY neckalce?" - Brittany
"Where's YOURS?!" - Tommy
"Um.. I left it at home." - Brittany
"I got you that for Christmas and you don't even wear it?" - Tommy
"You aren't wearing yours either" - Brittany
"I left it at home" - Tommy

"I can't wait to read the message boards tomorrow" - Eric

"I'm not Ranay."-Eric

"Ricky, did you get your shirt?" - Kate
"I liked that." - Ricky
"I TOLD you he'd like it" - Tommy

"I look homeless"-Brittany
"We all look like bums!"-Tommy
"He just winked at us!"-Jen
"If you keep doin that, your eye will fall out!"-Brittany
"Yeah, stop doin that!"-Jen

"I need a lighter, lighter, lighter, LIGHTER!"-Brittany
"Stop acting nutty."-Jen

"They cut all my hair off" - Brittany
"Really?" - Tommy
"Yeah.. on New Beer when we got in that fight. They shaved all my hair off, that's why I've been wearing this hood all day. All I have is a pink "Q" on the back of my head." - Brittany
"Were you sleeping?" - Tommy
"I'm just kidding..." - Brittany

"You look like Little Red Riding Hood!"-Jen to Ricky

"I feel like a snowman cept not as fat."-Jen
"I think I'm gonna buy a heater and shove it up my shirt."-Jen
"Yeah, and you can plug it in!"-Brittany (hitting the snack machine)
"Come out come out wherever you are."-Jen talking to the soda machine
"It's colder than..."-Jen
"Fresh boots."-Brittany (filling in the blank for Jen)
"Yeah, fresh boots."-Jen
"Fresh boots in Antarctica maybe."-Brittany

"Do I sound like Danny?" - Brittany in her Danny voice
"Not really.." - Tommy
"What about Josh, do I shound like Josh?" - Brittany in her Josh voice
"Nope" - Tommy
"You guys lied to me! I'll never do these voices again." - Brittany to Jen and Kate

"Are you anti-social?"-Georgianite #1
"No, I'm tired cuz I haven't slept for 2 days."-Jen
"What? Stop flashing your gang signs at me."-Georgianite #2
"Yeah, we're in a gang."-Brittany
"I said I haven't slept in 2 days."-Jen
"Why?"-Georgianite #1
"Because I'm on crack."-Jen

"I'll do it if you do it first" - Tommy

"Double great even."-Jen
"Double double great on the richter scale."-Brittany
"Whatever. Peace. *door slam*-Eric

"Who likes balogna?" - Eric
"What, like Moe?" - Kate

"How can I compete with Jesus?!" - Tommy

"Where's my tooth brush? See! See! Learn how to use it!" - Eric

"I have to pee, I have to pee, I've got the itch again" - Eric
"You're bein a bitch again, that's what we sing when you block us on IM, it's fun" - Brittany

"This game is RETARDED!"-Brittany
"What do you expect? It's Danny's game."-Tommy
"Oooh, that explains it" - Brittany

"Who ordered pizza?"- Kate
"Ricky. Go figure."-Tommy

"Yeah, like he'd get in a car with you!"-Eric

"Do you mind if I call you Draino?"-Brit
"No, but I don't know what it means."-Danny
"I know what it means!"-Tommy
"You do?"-Jen and Brit
"Oh yeah, it was in the "I'm sorry message". We name them."-Brit
"Yeah, it was about that girl..Kir...Kir..Kirstin."-Tommy
"Can we change the subject?"-Kate

"I dare you."-Brit
"I weinerdog dare you."-Jen
"Tommy, you dare her."-Jen
"I triple weinerdog dare you. With ketchup...and mustard...and....relish!"-Tommy

"Josh Weiner stalks me. Everytime I turn around there's a weiner woody wagon behind me..."-Jen
"With a hotdog hanging from the rearview!"-Brit
"That's funny shtuff."-Tommy
"Don't shtop till you get enough" - Brittany
"It sheems sho shatishfying" - Kate

"Jen will you go get one from the Georgianites?"-Brit
"They thought we were in a gang!"-Jen
"Yeah, Jen was flashing them her gang signs"-Brit
"For a minute there I thought you said Jordan KNIGHTS."-Tommy
"Yeah, like they're doing the duckwalk around a carnival like their cool or something."-Brit
"What do I get out of the deal anyways? What do I look like, the designated mullet?"-Jen
"I can take care of that for ya."-Tommy
"Take care of what?"-Jen
"Give you a mullet."-Tommy
"Would you really? Nahh, I already have one!"-Jen
"Yeah, she looks like Kevin Richardson!"-Brit
"No...not my face. I don't have a goatee or anything. My hair...we have the same mullet. I have this picture, with Kevin...well not really WITH Kevin, but...oh, nevermind." -Jen getting flustered cuz Tommy and Danny are looking at her like she's retarded.

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