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A Day In The Life Of...
No Authority

All right, let's start this with a little introduction. Brittany wrote a few paragraphs and sent it to Jen. Jen added to it, and sent it back, then Kate got involved. Here's the end result, what we believe to be the funniest thing we've EVER written.

When reading this story, you can get a definition for underlined words by holding your cursor over the word for a few seconds. Don't click! It will just reload the page. But, If it says click to see a picture, do that and then hit back on your browser to get to the story again. If you have a MAC, the mouseover won't work, and you won't be able to see the definitions.

Brittany's writing is in green.
Kate's writing is in purple.
Jen's writing is in blue.

This story is dedicated in loving memory of Tommy’s cell phone, we have a feeling it’s dead.

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All Rights Reserved
©2000 Can I Get Some Humor Baby?
A Toyota & The BossHogs™ Production

The following work is completely original and not to be reproduced or redistributed in any way, shape or form according to the laws of the United States Copyright and Patent Office, Article 745. It has been written exclusively for use on the website “Can I Get Some Humor Baby?” and for the viewing pleasure of members of “No Authority”. Unauthorized duplication will result in legal action and prosecution to the fullest extent of the law. All characters and occurrences within this work are completely fictional. Any resemblance to real people or happenings is strictly coincidental. Brittany, Jen, and Kate will not be held responsible for any emotional or physical damage that occurs before, during, or after the reading of this work. This includes, but is not limited to, paper cuts, crying, and therapy costs. The beatings inflicted on the members of the group “No Authority” in this work are done strictly by seasoned professionals. Please, do not try them at home, in a hotel room, or on a tour bus. We do not condone pornography, underage drinking, or “smoking weed everyday.” The registered name “No Authority”; United States Copyright and Patent Office; Patent #36745 is used with the expressed written consent of Michael Jackson, Ricky G, and Maverick Records. No pigs were harmed in the production of this work. We are in no way affiliated with the Cash Money Millionaires™ . This work of art was sponsored in part by Monchichi

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