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Why We Hate Josh Weiner

There are probably more reasons then these, but here's the top ten.

10. He's too good for his Weiner name. We all know you are Josh Weiner, but you try and play it off, all "No, that's some OTHER guy, my last name is KEATON." Riiiight

9. Look at him, he's scary. I'm so glad I was not a No Authority fan when they had him in the group. He is a frightening fugly boy. He has huge Dumbo ears. Now that I think of it, Josh Weiner is probably WHY we weren't fans. We probably saw a teeny mag pic with him in it, and immediately boffed on it before we got a chance to see the other guys.

8. His speech impediment. "I look around and all I shee ish your shweet fashe" Ew. I HATE his voish.. er, voice. Throw on the second verse of song #8 (One More Time) on the Keep On CD to see what I mean. You can also hear it on the 2nd verse of "I Like It". Busted.

7. He's NSYNC's bitch. Anything associated with NSYNC gets a big red "X" on it. Especially if it's not even NSYNC, and just a leeching WeinerDog.

6. He disses NA. That's just not right. I bet they kicked his busted ass out and he didn't quit at all.

5. He never replies to our email. Maybe that's because they all say "Hi Josh Weiner!" as the subject, and the letters themselves just bitch at him for being afraid of his Weiner name, and tell him we hate him, but whatever. He could at least write back.

4. He's the reason Danny never talks. See, Josh is a big mean bastard, and used to tell Danny that when he talked he sounded just like Josh did. Danny knows what Josh's voice sounds like, and therefore has resorted to sitting silently for the past two years.

3. He killed Moe. Shh.. don't tell Ricky. They replaced him, but yes, it's true.. Josh killed Moe. Think about it, Moe = Pig = Pork = Hot Dog = WEINER. He couldn't handle seeing Moe, it brought back too many bad memories of his Weiner name.

2. He made his sister afraid of HER Weiner name too. Then, to top it all off, she changes her Weiner name to a different name than Josh. How stupid can you get? She probably wanted to keep her Weiner name, and Josh was all "No Ali, you have to change it, or elshe everyone will shee that my name wash Weiner too, and I won't ever get famoush."

1. He's a big fine Weinerdog.

Actually... I, Brittany.. have a big crush on Josh.. I even have a Josh Weiner.. er "Keaton" mask. But Kate and Jen hate him.. they try to discourage my Weiner crush. I actually hated him too until 2 days ago. I change my mind a lot.

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