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Kate's Georgia Reviews
Yes, you read that right.
There are 2 reviews, one from the .net board & one from the .com board

.net Review
Road trips are ALWAYS fun, but this one ends up in my book of "WTF" and "OMG" interesting.

It started with my friends and I getting in the car and driving to GA. We got to the amusement park where NA would be playing later that day and it was MF cold. Skipping to the part where we saw them in the amusement park, DAYUM do I have a big mouth. I don't want to talk about it. LoL The guys ended up with an enterauge of people following them, my friends and I continued to ride the one rollar coaster - I think we did a good 6 times on just one loopy-ty loop rollar coaster. SCORE! The guys got to perform in their regular clothes, thanks to the airport being stupid. So there was no Quiet Riot shirt. Busted Mullets!!

Skipping to the JUICEY part of this post...the hotel later that day/night. Ok, I want to thank Chrystal (Should we let them watch?) and Mel (xoxo) cause they were staying at the same hotel with NA and they let Jen, Brit and I chill there. Jen and Brit got the sleep they much needed and I got to run around being a retard. Yes. I was sober. So anyways, you are reading this for the NA stuff, that I shall get to starting NOW! ...

When we got there, three of the four guys were leaving with Tommy's family. Ricky got left behind. Poor BoyPal. The guys got back and to make up for the fact that they forgot Ricky, Eric offered race with him, if Ricky won than Eric would buy him something to eat. Ricky agreed. It was so crunk cause NO ONE other than my friends and NA and random hotel guests were around. So they decided that they would do a backflip CLOWN COSTUMES. (It was all they had since their luggage got lost.) No lie. So they're all dressed in these out fits and ready to go. Down they flip through the hotel walkway. (It was one of those outdoor entrance to your room hotels.) Ricky ended up backflipping right into the pool and soaking himself. It wasn't a pretty site cause it turns out that Ricky is illergic to chlorene. **NOTE: I can't spell.** He ended up getting a nasty green rash on his skin.

Meanwhile Tommy was eating all these pork and bean meals out of the tin can. Danny was standing on his head munching on tacos. I think Danny had about 48 tacos that night. The coolest thing I EVER saw was when Danny started playing the flute. Hidden talents, they're amazing.

After Ricky turned green Eric declared himself the winner and celebrated by calling up the hotel lobby and having them bring him some crackers on a plate. He ate them one by one in front of Ricky. Ricky cried. Not for long though, eventually the guys got bored of eating and went into their hotel rooms. They invited us in. Hells yeah! So inside the room they had all these posters of New Kids on the Block. I didn't ask why. Tommy's mom had brought his pet turtle from home in S.Carolina with him to the hotel. Eric was still in the racing mood after his crackers so he raced the turtle (her name was BettyLou). To make himself slower he did the crab walk...the turtle won.

Since Ricky still hadn't eaten he order some chinese food to be delivered. While he waited he taught Danny how to sew his own boxer shorts. After all, the guys didn't have any clothes to wear. Tommy was in the bathroom the whole time we were in the room, those pork and beans really got to his belly. By the time Ricky's food got there Danny had made new boxers for all 4 members of NA, Tommy's turle - BettyLou and my friends and I. When Ricky was looking for the money to pay for the delivered food the woman who brought it (she ended up being a BIG FAN) stole the TV from the room. She later claimed to the police it was for something to remember them by. Eric taught her a lesson by forcing her to wear a fingerpal on each hand and both feet.

Tommy came out of the bathroom wearing the shower curtain and singing the show tune "Grease Lightening". Danny threw up and said he wanted to go to bed. Apparently, he's not used to eating 48 tacos upside down while playing a flute...he normally only has 45 tacos and plays a harmonica. Since Danny was tired Eric, Tommy and Ricky all picked my friends and I up and carried us into Mel & Crystal's hotel room. When they got there they saw the picture of Josh Wiener on the door, dropped us, turned around and ran back to their rooms

Ten minutes later there was a knock at hotel door, I opened it to see the REAL Josh standing there. I invited him in and we (as in all my friends and I, along with Josh ) shared margaritas and smoked cigars. In the end I think Saturday night was one of the most interesting but greatest nights of my life and I owe it ALL to Renee.
Peace n Mullets.

.com Review
You might think this is the same post as the .net (if you go to both, but I promise it's NOT!!)

Road trips are ALWAYS fun, but this one ends up in my book of "WTF" and "OMG" interesting.

It started with my friends and I getting in the car and driving to GA. We got to the amusement park where NA would be playing later that day and it was MF cold. Skipping to the part where we saw them in the amusement park, DAYUM do I have a big mouth. I don't want to talk about it. LoL The guys ended up with an entourage of people following them, my friends and I continued to ride the one roller coaster – I think we did a good 6 times on just one loopy-ty loop roller coaster. SCORE! The guys got to perform in their regular clothes, thanks to theairport being stupid. So there was no Quiet Riot shirt. Busted Mullets!!

Skipping to the JUICY part of this post...the hotel later that day/night. Ok, I want to thank Crystal (Never had a lover like you.) and Mel (xoxo) cause they were staying at the same hotel with NA and they let Jen, Brit and I chill there. Jen and Brit got the sleep they much needed and I got to run around being a retard. Yes. I was sober. So anyways, you are reading this for the NA stuff, that I shall get to starting NOW! ...

When we got there, three of the four guys were leaving with Tommy's family. Danny got left behind. :( Poor Draino. The guys got back and to make up for the fact that they forgot Danny, Tommy offered race with him, if Danny won than Tommy would buy him something to eat. Danny agreed. It was so crunk cause NO ONE other than my friends and NA and random hotel guests were around. So they decided that they would do a cartwheel BALLERINA COSTUMES. (It was all they had since their luggage got lost.) No lie. So they're all dressed in these out fits and ready to go. Down they cartwheel through the hotel walkway. (It was one of those outdoor entrance to your room hotels.) Danny ended up back flipping right into the bushes. It wasn't a pretty site cause it turns out that Danny is allergic to leaves. **NOTE: I love spell check.** He ended up getting a nasty green rash on his skin.

Meanwhile Ricky was eating all these spaghetti O's meals out of the tin can. Eric was standing on his head munching on tacos. I think Eric had about 106 tacos that night. The coolest thing I EVER saw was when Eric started playing the tuba. Hidden talents, they're amazing.

After Danny got a rash from the leaves Tommy declared himself the winner and celebrated by calling up the hotel lobby and having them bring him some cheese on a plate. He ate them one by one in front of Danny. Danny cried. Not for long though, eventually the guys got bored of eating and went into their hotel rooms. They invited us in. Hells yeah! So inside the room they had all these posters of Kris Kross. I didn't ask why. Ricky's brother had brought his pet hamster from home in California with him to the hotel. Tommy was still in the racing mood after his cheese so he raced the hamster (his name was BillyBob). To make himself faster Tommy did the worm...the hamster won.

Since Danny still hadn't eaten he order some Mexican food to be delivered. While he waited he taught Eric how to beadazzle his own socks. After all, the guys didn't have any clothes to wear. Ricky was in the bathroom the whole time we were in the room, those spaghetti O's really got to his belly. By the time Danny's food got there Eric had made new socks for all 4 members of NA, Tommy's hamster - BillyBob and my friends and I. When Danny was looking for the money to pay for the delivered food the man who brought it (he ended up being a BIG FAN) stole the clock from the room. He later claimed to the police it was for something to remember NA by. Tommy taught him a lesson by forcing him to wear a SUPAfly necklace around his neck and waist.

Ricky came out of the bathroom wearing the bath mat and singing the show tune "The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow". Eric threw up and said he wanted to go to bed. Apparently, he's not used to eating 106 tacos upside down while playing a tuba...he normally only has 99 tacos and plays a banjo. Since Eric was tired Tommy, Ricky and Danny all picked my friends and I up and carried us into Mel & Crystal's hotel room. When they got there they saw the picture of Josh Weiner on the door, dropped us, turned around and ran back to their rooms.

Ten minutes later there was a knock at hotel door, I opened it to see the REAL Josh standing there. I invited him in and we (as in all my friends and I, along with Josh) shared pina colodas and smoked crack. In the end I think Saturday night was one of the most interesting but greatest nights of my life and I owe it ALL to RaNay.
Peace n Mullets.

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