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Stupid Mail

Although we don't get much mail, we do get the occasional hate mail, and the occasional mail from people that are retarded. We will share some of this with you know, and of COURSE we added in our comments. They will be in orange

This first mail fits under the category of "stupid teenybopper."

hey there! i was just wonderin... *I hate emails that start out like this. I really do.* not to sound like a mofo of a bitch or anything... *Why would this make you sound like a bitch? I'm not sure I understand where you're coming from on this one. If anything, it makes you sound stupid, annoying and desperate.* but MAH GOD i hafta talk to Tommy ! *Do ya now? Good for you, and every teeny in the NA fan world. So go to an NA show, wait in the autograph line, and talk to him.* haha god i sound like a psycho... *That's two times now that you've gone and said what you "sound like" and honestly, if you're going to even WASTE your time emailing me, don't babble on and put something this lame/retarded in the email, because YES, then you do "sound like a psycho".* anyways i was wonderin if you could give me his email addy. *Here's an idea, NO! Go read on the humor site under "FAQ" about this one. Why you even WASTED your time is BEYOND me. No means no. I don't give a flying fuck if you're carrying his baby, went to school with him back in the day, or fell in love with him at first site, DO NOT EVEN WASTE MY TIME OR YOURS ASKING SUCH A STUPID THING!* wait i know you wont, but i'm not a little teenybopper or anything... *Wait ... you know I won't. You tell me I won't and yet you ask? Your argument being "I'm not a little teenybopper or anything". Can I prove that statement WRONG for you. You asked, you're a teeny. You say it yourself that you "sound like a psycho", you're a teeny. You continue to bother me with this babbling email, you're a teeny. Oh, and it's not NA related but you did mention "stalking OTown teeny style" one time when you IMed me and that (to me) proves my point once again* i just think he sounds cool and i wanna email him. *He is cool. If you want to email him, keep wanting. It's not MY job to give out his email. I've said my piece about that above. You get the point by now, I'm sure.* well anyway i'll talk to ya later. *Oh yeah, I don't think there will be much talking between you and I anymore, cause I'm SO blocking you and deleting emails from you. Welcome to my "shit list".*
Peace n Mullets
p.s. please write back!
*Not only will I write back, but as it says on our site, emails such as this become OUR property to make fun of and post if we feel like it. Thanks! Buh Bye now.*

Ok now, on to the hate mail, apparantely the only hate mail we EVER get is about Josh Weiner, which is funny because the DAWG thinks it's hilarious that we make fun of his Weiner name. So I, Brittany, your resident Josh Weiner expert will comment on this mail we've gotten about Joshie. We think it was all the same person. Whatever...

Where do you guys get off? I dont get it. This site was damn funny until I read the shit you wrote about Josh. What is UP with that? Where do you get off calling someone ugly, untalented... whatever... and then picking on their surname. Thats the most retarded thing EVER.
Josh's voice is great. Its soulful. Its an actual SINGING VOICE which since you listen to No Authority I would expect you havent been exposed to before since none of them have an ounce of talent between them.
Josh is a beautiful person. You girls obviously dont know him well enough to have experienced that. Every time I have met Josh he has been nothing but lovely. Always making time to stop and talk to fans and make them all feel special.
Why not stick to what your GOOD at... seeing the humor in No Authority... GOD KNOWS there is a lot to laugh about there... leave Josh alone. He hasnt done ANYTHING to you.

*Aight, first comment I want to make is that it's ok for YOU to talk shit on No Authority, yet I can't say things about the Dawg on MY site? That makes a lot of sense sweetie, really it does. Secondly, when you are trying to get your point across about a guy, don't use the words "beautiful" and "lovely". Especially if that person is Josh WEINER. Thirdly, we're good at "seeing the humor in No Authority" and they haven't done anything to us. Neither has the Dawg, you were right on that. We're just being equal oppurtunity employers by ripping on Josh! I mean HELLO, his last name is WEINER. Nuff said.*

Josh is not ugly so leave him alone you mentle retards. You girls probebly think Tommy is cute when he is really just a Justin Timberlake wannabe... whats with the fucken FRO? Atleast Josh is himself and he isnt trying to copy anyone. So leave off...

*I could do this the easy way, and just make fun of her spelling, but no. I think the absolute FUNNIEST thing about this email, is that this girl acts like JRT Bitch invented the afro. LOL. I mean really, have you not ever seen Saved By The Bell? Screech? He actually was rockin' the FRO well before Justin. And as far as Josh "being himself". If that were the case, his site would be NOT Keaton.*

You know when I was younger I had a surname that would get me teased a lot at school. It was really bad and I would come home crying at night. Begging my Mom not to send me back to school. Begging her to let me stay home because the teasing got so bad. Id not be able to sleep at night. A scared 7 year old, lying in bed dreading the day that was fast approaching. Knowing it would just mean name calling and teasing. My Mom remarried and I changed my name as soon as I could, and we moved cities. But I never forgot the teasing, the name calling and the bullying I suffered through in my early years. That kind of thing can scar you for life. I learned a lesson tho. Never tease someone because of something irrelivent such as their name. Cos you can miss knowing the special person.

*I'm confused. Is this an email or the beginning to a REAL bad fanfic?? An NBC made for TV movie maybe? Dude, I don't care about you and your middle school problems, really I don't. So go whine somewhere else. Thanks. *

Whats in a name??
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

Thats Shakespeare that said that.

*I wish I had an Oscar Mayer Weiner Weiner Weiner
Oh I wish I had an Oscar Mayer Weiner.

That's Josh Weiner that said that.

Now you're intelligent girls. Your site is extreamly humorous in many places. But lay off Josh please or at least find something worthwhile picking on him about, because his last name is something private. Not something to tear apart.

*If it's so private, I wouldn't know about it. And about finding something worthwhile to pick on him about? No problem... I'll try his speech impediment next time. Finally, I am going to paste something JOSH WEINER sent to me in an email. Hopefully, you people will read this and see that the dawg doesn't give a shit WHAT we say about him.*

This is taken DIRECTLY out of an Email from JOSH WEINER to ME:

" I also wanted to ask if you were the one who said that I should call my album unleash the weiner (as in sisqo's unleash the dragon) Cause I laughed so hard when I read that. Me and my friends still joke about that one. Thanks for all your lettes. Most people probably would have found them offensive, but I have a pretty sick and twisted sense of humor, so I found the humor in them. :0) "

With that said and done, FACKEN please understand, if we want to harass the Dawg, we will. That's all. Thanks!

(More interesting mail will be posted as we receive it.)

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