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Happy Birthday Ricky

Yeah, so we are like a month late. Sorry. We had it written up, but the computer crunked, busted, and died so we couldn't post it. But, you still want to know what happened on this special day, right? Right.

Ricky woke up with a start and a smile on his face. "Lalalalalala, it's my birthday!" he thought, and jumped up off the floor where he slept. He looked over with his pretty head tilted to the side, "What's that?, " He thought, "For me??" It was a box, about as big as a shoebox. Ricky picked it up and read "To: Shit Face" on the tag. "Awww", Boypal suddenly got excited, "Danny got me a present!" He ran out of the room and into the front of the bus where Danny was sitting. He held out the box and exclaimed "Thanks Danno!"

Danny looked at the flamboyant little pickle in front of him, picked up a straw, and shot a spitball in Ricky's face. "Hurry up and open it, " Danny said, "I want to see what I got you."

Again, Ricky tilted his head sideways and wondered aloud, "You mean you don't know? You bought it Danny!"

Danny stood up, bopped Ricky on the head, and sat back down. "No Ricky you dumbass, every year Starr buys shit for us to give you, because otherwise you would get nothing."

"Ooooh! I get it," Ricky smiled and starting to tear off the paper on the box. "Lalalalala, what's this??" Ricky questioned, holding up the NSYNC Lunch box, Justin Marionette Doll, and NSYNC 2001 Calendar that were inside the box.

"DAMNIT!" Danny yelled, jumping up and snatching the presents out of Ricky's hand. "She must have messed up my Christmas list with your birthday list. Sorry bitch boy, these babies are MINE!" he finished, stomping away from Ricky and returning to his bunk.

Ricky hung his head as a tear rolled down his cheek. He headed towards the back of the bus again, and found Eric and Tommy sitting there watching TV. "Hey guys!" Ricky said, "Do you know what today is?"

"Yes." answered Tommy.

"It's Greeeat!," threw in Eric, "it's Britney Spears birthday! I sent her 6 dozen roses, a cake, a watch, and a fingerpal!"

"It's my birthday TOO!" Ricky whimpered.

"Yes." Said Tommy.

"Er.. oh, yeeeeaah.. I know Ricky.." Eric threw in, "let me go get your gift."

Tommy shook his head and stated proudly, "Yes."

"Ok, great", Eric replied, "I'll get yours too Tommy, since you asked so nicely." Eric returned a few seconds later with 2 brightly colored boxes, and a hula hoop which he was whirling around his body. He handed the first box to Ricky, which had a tag saying "To Ricky Ficky, From: Tommy Bommy" Ricky clawed at the wrapping paper, opened the box and pulled out a Playstation game. "Cool! " Eric yelled, "Hey Tommy, can I have that???"

"Yes." Tommy answered, as Eric snatched the game out of Ricky's hands and hula hooped out of the room. Another tear fell down Ricky's face as he looked at his last present, from Eric. He opened the box to find 4 broken crayons, a marble, and a FingerPal. The note inside read "I kept the real present Starr got you, it was grreat! An outfit for Moe! I spilled some coffee and had to clean it up somehow, so I gave you something else. Happy Birthday Ricky! - Eric Lee Stretch."

Ricky sat on the floor and cried harder. Moe hobbled into the room and looked at his owner. He walked over to Ricky, and shit in his lap.

The End.

Happy Birthday Peekle! I hope you enjoyed your pig puzzle, and other worthless shit we gave you. La - La - La - La - La. You're 20!

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