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Ricky.. NAJY Style

The peekle's bio (he DID write this himself) with NAJY's comments will be in bold writing

Birth date:
December 2, 1980

Sagittarius... sag-i-taaarrrriiiiusss ... sing it to that song "Aquarius"

Family members:
Debbie, Alex Hondo
I thought the whole "Hondo" things was a joke.

He is considered a "short woman".

a fat short woman.

Fav color:
The color of diarrhea.

Fav food:
a very unique taste.

Upland, CA
I have NEVER been to California. Ricky HAD been to Virginia. Am I the only person that lives in Virginia?

What is in your CD player right now?
to grease up the carousal.

Where would you take a girl on a date?
A midnight escapade on the beach
Why so late? I would prefer a 6 o clock ‘til 9 escapade on the beach.

What makes you blush?
like "you’re not really a girl, Ricky" and "it's not your fault you are a girl".

Do you have any pets? If so, what kind and what are their names.
a pig named Moe and a cat named Reina If I had a cat and a Moe in the same house, my cat and I would have one nice breakfast. the bottom line is that if I saw Moe I would definitely eat him.

What kind of car do you have? Does it have a name?
a white Mercedes named Angel
Stealing cars is a felony, Ricky, we all know you can't afford a Mercedes. the "Angel" name raises questions about your manhood.

If you could have one wish granted, what would it be?
I would wish to be infinitely able to do what I love and love it
obviously, Ricky's idea of what he wants to do is either illegal or requires money.

What do you think is the greatest album of all time? Of the last year?
Michael Jackson's Thriller / Garbage's Ver. 2.0
His first Garbage CD broke, so he fixed and wrote "Garbage Ver. 2.0" on it, signifying a revolution in music history. Ricky looks like a girl!

Have any of your old friends become jealous of your success? If so, how did you handle it?
No, they're actually very supportive
"But, I spent the 20 dollars pretty quickly."

What is the best movie you saw in the last year?
The Matrix
Part of that 20 dollars went towards seeing that movie.

What do you think is your best attribute? What is your worst? What about your groupmates?
Ambitious / Restless

honest / overly honest
"damn honest"

happy-go-lucky / naive

"stupid cool”

confident / over-confident

If you had a week off RIGHT NOW, where would you go?
to Hawaii
He has always wanted to leave the country for a while.

If you had a major dilemna, which group member would you call first? Why?
Tommy because he and I think alike on most issues,
like what shade to streak my hair

If you were going to the electric chair, what would you request as your last meal?
Round Table Pizza with my favorite spaghetti (Vince's)
I am imagining one big ass pizza. and some spaghetti.

What's one thing your fans would be most suprised to find out about you?
I can play the guitar.
"I can also play with my hair "

What's the most suprising thing a fan has done for/to you?
A beautiful hand painted nude self portrait with breasts. I really liked the way it brought out my womanly figure.

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