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Ricky's Survey

Ricky borrowed Gaby's computer to fill out his survey. Enjoy, boypal's most personal and interesting thoughts.

Full Name: Ricky G. Ricky Felix. Ricardo Felix GODinez? FUCK. I don't even know anymore, just call me peekle.
Nicknames: Peekle, Toyota, BoyPal, Shitface
Age: 20
Birthday: December 2, same as Britney Spears!
Location: I have stalkers, let's keep that private.
Hair Color: Flowing locks of golden blondish brown
Eye Color: Brown, but I wear blue or green contacts. They're sexier baby.
Shoe Size: 5
Height: 3'4
Weight: 200 pounds


1. Who's your favorite band? My favorite PERFORMER and SINGER is Madonna

2. What's your favorite song at the moment?: From This Moment – it’s VERY inspiring

3. What's your all-time favorite song?: The Austin Powers opening theme song, I danced in that movie you know!

4. What's your type of music? Latin

5. BSB or *NSync? NSYNC, because they got Josh off my back.

6. Who's your favorite female singer?: Madonna all the way, baby!

7. Who's your favorite male singer?: Prince or Michael Jackson

8. Do you ever listen to pop?: I enjoy *i5, they’re in my CD player right now.

9. Are you in a band?: I am the lead singer in No Authority and don’t let Tommy tell you other wise.

10. Is your band famous, if you're in one?: Of course we are baby, why wouldn’t we be?

11. What CD is in your CD player right now?: I just said *i5, they get me “Distracted”. hehe

12. If you turned your CD player to "radio", what kinda station would it be on? The Latino station

13. Korn? No thanks, I don’t like corn, I prefer asparagus.
Britney Spears? We have the same birthday!! She makes me feel “STRONGER”! hehe
JayZ? I’m scared of him.

14. What's the last CD you bought? None, I’m famous, I get all my CDs for free.

15. Spice Girls or All Saints? *i5 is better than the Spice Girls!

16. Come on...Have you ever (or do you) like Hanson? OH MY GOODNESS, OF COURSE I LOVE HANSON!

17. What band posters are on your wall? Prince, Madonna, *i5, Britney Spears, a blown up picture of my pig Moe and the 1st Austin Powers movie poster.

18. Do you like the local music of your town? No way, it’s all rap, it’s stinky.

19. What was your first CD? Madonna – the Immaculate Collection

20. Ever met any famous bands/singers? All the time, I love to mix and mingle with stars.

21. Would you say you have an advanced knowledge of music? To be as famous as me you HAVE to.


1. Food: pepperoni pizza (keep that on the downlow from Moe)

2. Drink: water

3. Candy: Ewwwwww, I don’t eat candy.

4. Clothing Acessory: my red hooded sweatshirt, all my shirts MUST be sleeveless and my big green Eskimo jacket

5. Color: Jade. I show my WEST SIIIDE gang pride.

8. Name for a boy: Moe

9. Family Member: Hondo

10. Store: Anything that’s expensive and more than I can afford

11. Board Game: Ants in my Pants, hehe

12. Sport: Gymnastics

13. Cartoon Character: Porky Pig, I look like him, hehe!

14. Computer Game: Posing as myself to see what my fans will say.

15. Amateur website: Any site that has to do with ME

16. Professional website: or

17. Piece of Jewelery: My Sagittarius necklace that is like JC from NSYNC’s Leo necklace

18. (Girls) Nail Polish (Guys) After Shave: I don’t have to shave, I only have peach fuzz on my face

19. Cologne/Perfume: I prefer all natural smells

20. Book: Charlotte’s Web

21. Condom: The ones my adoring fans give me


1. Hawaii or New York: Hawaii, if I could afford it

2. Hot dog or Hamburger: I would NEVER eat Moe!

3. *N Sync or BSB: I answered this already, geez

4. Pen or Pencil: I love to practice my autograph with pens.

5. Windows up or down (in the car): Down, so I can feel the wind blow through my flowing mane of hair

6. Gold or Silver: Gold, it makes me look like I have more money

7. Concert or Television: Concerts! Especially my own.

8. Box or Bag: Since I spend so much money, I’ll end up living in a box spooning with Moe for warmth soon.

9. Middle finger or Ring Finger: Ring

10. Regular Kiss or Gimme some tongue: Gimme some tongue, I have a lot of pented up sexual frustration

11. Make-up or natural: natural, I don’t like a lot of makeup, unless it’s my girlfriend, cause she looks HOTT with all that makeup on


1. Are you crazy or are you more laid back? I’m crazy, I have to be to go to bed at 9pm everynight

2. What kind of person are you? Sexually frustrated

3. What is the thing you just started saying recently?: I like that.

4. What have you been saying for a long time?: Hey Baby, how you doin’ baby?

5. Last thing you said aloud: I love you Moe.

6. What car do you drive? A white Mercedes named Angel that is WAY more than can afford but makes me look fucking sexy

7. Do you ever make prank phone calls? Nope, but I’ll call and leave messages for fans if they ask ;)

8. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? I have about 500 pig stuffed animals from fans, but I only like to sleep with the real thing.

9. Did you ever win anything considered "big": All the time, I’m perfect and don’t forget it!

10. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Gaby, she’s beautiful

11. Have you ever hacked an email account?: I don’t have time for that, I’m too busy making more fans for myself

12. How many buddies are on your list? I have all my fans on my buddy list, so close to 300

13. Have you ever created and sent a virus?: No way! I might loose fans if I did something mean like that!

14. What kind of shoes do you like? Moon boots

15. What are your wearing (accessories and all, in detail) right now? Plaid pajama pants, with a tshirt that Moe ate so it has pretty big holes all over and no socks, I like to show off my hammer toes

16. Do you have a website, if you do give the address?: or

17. What are the last 4 digits of your phone number? Shhhh, I have a stalker, I can’t say

18. What is on your mousepad? A picture of me and Moe

19. What is your most prized possesion: My pet pig, Moe & my orange jumpsuit from Austin Powers

20. Is 2Pac alive? I hope not

21. Who do you look like? My pet pig, Moe

22. Gay, Straight, Bi or Other? No comment.

23. Do you have any pets? MOE! I love that damn pig

24. What's the best trick you ever played on someone? I don’t play tricks, I only get tricks played on me

30. Do you have any tattoos? What of? I can’t tell you that.


1. Friends: Eric, Danny, Tommy, Moe, Gaby
2. Funniest: Tommy
3. Silliest: Moe
4. Loudest: Eric
5. Craziest: Eric
6. Skinniest: Eric
7. Best at keeping secrets: Moe
8. Smartest: Tommy
9. Most innocent-looking: Moe
10. Sweetest: me
11. Hottest: Gaby
12. Weirdest: me
13. Hyperest: Eric
14. Biggest pervert: Danny
15. Most annoying: Eric
16. Quietest: Danny

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