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Ricky’s Bio Our Way

All the teenies sites use bios, so we figured we’d do them too.. but ours are a little bit different.

Name: Ricardo Felix Gondinez
Birthdate: December 2, 1980
Height: 3’11
Weight: Much more than the rest of them.
Nicknames: BoyPal, Little Shit, Toyota, Ricky Fee, Peekle, Pig Boy
Moe, Gaby, being a bitch, body rolls, Danny, thinking he’s the shit, FingerPal, school girl uniforms, backflips, Ricky Martin, orange jumpsuits, Hondo, salsa dancing, Sisqo
Hates: Spoons, Pez, being social, the 3 of us after he reads this site, greasy hair, his sexual frustration
Personal Quote: "La la la la la, what's this?" "Is that me?"
Wanna read more bios?
Tommy - Eric - Danny

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