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Ricky's Diary

Jump into the mind of a little BoyPal by sneaking a peek at Rickys most intimate thoughts... newest entries come first. This will be updated whenever we.. er "Ricky" writes more entries.

It's a wonderful, sunshine day here in Cali and I am planning a birthday surprise for my super-de-doper friend Tommy. I hope he likes it. I even got Moe to dress up as a clown. I asked Eric, but he spit in my face and walked away laughing at me. More later. Love and kisses. Ric 2/12/01
Hey baby, how you doin' baby? I have taken WAY too much time off from keeping in touch. I'm sorry about that diary. I have been busy. I should update you on all that's new with me. For Christmas I was actually remembered! I got a red hooded sweatshirt, I look like Little Red Riding Hood in it. Sometimes I even play that with Moe. He's the big bad wolf, hehe! The guys all chiped in and got me a toothbrush. They said it was Eric's idea. How sweet is that?! I don't know WHY they thought a toothbrush would be something I'd use though?!?!
I have a wonderful girlfriend now diary. WHOO HOO! A GIRL LIKES ME! Her name is Gaby and for Valentine's Day I'm going to order some pepperoni pizza and have a candle light dinner on the diving board of my pool. I think to make it EXTRA romantic we're going to wear our pajamas and not bathe first. hehe, Gaby is so beautiful. Wish me luck on the holiday of love and romance. xoxo - Ricky G.

Dearest Diary,
Tonight we ring in the year 2001. I'm a little scared. This is the actual Millennium. I hope nothing happens. Just in case I bought Moe a little space ship. How cute will it be that my Mosers could become the first piggy in space! For my goals in 2001 I plan on spending more time with Moe. I know he misses me as much as I miss him when we tour. I also plan on buying and listening to I5. It's only fair I know more about my girlfriends' groups' music. She's beautiful :0) My Christmas was absolutly positivly spectacular!! I didn't get anything I asked for, but I think it was because the spotlight I set up for Santa to find my house burned out. Bummer. I'll try again next year. On the plus side, the guys got me gifts. A surfboard from Danny, a pack of bacon from Eric & the movie "Idol Hands" form Tommy. I should be skipping on my merry way now. Love you. Ricky G.

Hello wonderful diary...I am really excited and feeling the spirit of Christmas. I bought Moe several new offits. He seems to always out grow them! I hope Santa got my letter. I asked him that the other guys stop picking on me. Maybe this year that will come true. I also asked for our album to go platnium. Only 450,000 to go! Not too be greedy, but I asked him for forks and knifes to go with all these spoons I keep getting. The other guys laugh at me because I still believe in Santa, but I know he's out there and one of these days he'll actually get my letter. Perhaps when that happens there will be more than just Moes presents under the tree. I'll write more soon. Ta-Ta. Ricky

Wowee! It's Turkey Day. I'm so excited to share in the thanks of this magical holiday. I'm thankful for Moe and I'll always be thankful for him! Speaking of Moe, yesterday we were walking through the airport and Danny kicked over my suitcase. Whoops! I forgot you can't bring pigs onto the plane with me & I had him tucked away. I didn't want anyone to mistake him for a thanksgiving meal. Anywhos, it's time for me to sit at the kiddie table so I better be skipping along. Eskimo Kisses! Ricky G.

Greetings and Salutations! I love saying that. It's from my most favorite movie EVER, Charlotte's Web. Guess what my dearest diary!?!? I think I'm making progress with Danny. Today, when I talked to him he didn't hit me until AFTER I was done. I don't remember much of what I told him now, because I blacked out and got a big lump on my head. We had a chat with Nick yesterday and I got asked a question from a girl named Brittany J. She has a last name just like me; only one letter! Lalalalala That makes me sooooooo happy that I did the entire Austin Power's dance rutine. I was asked about that in the chat too! I sure do wish they would have let me keep the orange jump suit. :( Soon I'll be home and able to craddle Moe in my arms. Life is good. I'll be writing soon. All my love.
~Ricardo Felix G.

Well here we are in Las Vegas! Yeah! It’s so pretty, all the lights. I love it. I bought a new pouch today to wear around my waist and hold my stuff. I LOVE those pouches they are so cool. Guess what else diary, Danny didn’t hit me ALL day today! Then again, it’s only 10am and he’s still sleeping. Tommy likes Vegas too I think, he kept saying something about protestants being lethal, I guess he’s Catholic. Oh well, I’m going to look at the beautiful scenery, I’ll talk to you later! Toodles, Ricky

Howdy Diary! Moe says hi too. Well, tomorrow’s Halloween, and I have a super cool costume. Eric and I are going as a horse, he’s letting me be the rear. SCORE! Today was a typical day. I woke up, said good morning to Danny.. he hit me. I don’t know why he keeps doing that diary but it hurts me. I think Danny’s SOOOOOOOO cute, but he won’t talk to me. As a matter of fact, he duct taped my mouth shut that one time just so I wouldn’t talk to him..…. Well anyway, Tommy’s doing good too.. I think…. he won’t talk to me either. Those guys are SO silly sometimes I’m telling you!! Well, Sisqo’s coming over to practice backflips now.. gotta run ! Love and Kisses, Ricky

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