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Why It Would Suck To Be Married To Ricky
Ever wanted to know what it's like to be married to Ricky? You've come to the right place.

10. He makes you have sex 13 times a day

9. He squeezes the grease out of his hair to cook breakfast, and that's just nasty.

8. Who wants the last name "G"?

7. All he talks about is how cool Sisqo's backflips are, and EVERYONE hates Sisqo.

6. Sometimes, when he's bored, he throws on an orange jumpsuit and reenacts Austin Powers. This will start to scare you after awhile.

5. Your have 35 pigs running around your backyard, through the kitchen, in the bed.....

4. He has more Ricky Martin pictures than he does of you.

3. People mistake your son for a daughter.

2. His ass takes up your side of the bed, causing you to sleep on the floor or the couch.

1. He advertises where you live just so the fans will find him and he can feel famous, meaning YOU get NO privacy.

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