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Slime Time Live Review

First I want to say how well the guys lip synch! Great job on all parts, except when Stretch missed a note, it’s ok baby, I don’t mind. I hate that Nick makes artists lip synch, I really think it’s retarded.

Ricky looked like a fool in those tight ass pants and moon shoes. The only thing those pants were good for was in the beginning when he stands on the chair and he’s sporting wood. Although it scares me that happened in a room full of 5 year olds, I thoroughly enjoyed it. It gets a rewind everytime.

The one little boy dancing in the backround at the beginning is adorable.

Stretch is adorable, we love the part when he like bobs his head right after the line "the hardest times"

Danny is scary. He looks like a crack addict in that outfit, and surprise surprise, he does not look amused to be there.

Tommy’s fro is a little darker, he looks better. And I like his frofrofro, I wanna run my teeth through it.

I hate the part when they jump over the chairs, they all look retarded, and boypal almost falls. But, he doesn’t. Oh well.

This is my faovrite NA appearance so far, out of all 4 that I’ve seen. Lol.. whatever, I liked it.

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