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My Lost Love

Now that he's in No Authority, I bet you thought Tommy let all his Haravrd Intelligence go to waste. Oh no no no girlfriend! He writes fanfic, he's damn good at it too. He likes our site so much, that he sent me this and asked us to post it. He's quite proud of it. So here you go, a short fanfic, written by Tommy McCarthy...

Tommy looked down silently at the picture he held in his hand. Well and worn, as he'd been carrying it around for almost 2 years, the bright eyes of the one he loved looked at him. Pierced him even. Raped him with their gaze if you will.

He folded the Teen Beat page and returned it to the place it always was, in his back pocket, close to his body where it belonged. A single tear fell down his cheek as he reached to turn up the volume on his CD Player. "I must confess..." the voice of his soulmate sang, and Tommy's heart broke more. "I just wish my darling could forgive me for what I've done," he thought, "I shouldn't have pushed that beautiful being away, but I needed to think about myself for once, MY career."

He thought back to happier days, when they had picnics in the park, midnight walks, even just driving around the Los Angeles freeways. He thought of the bright eyes, ravishing blonde hair (natural brunette, but whatever), and pouty look. All this made him dissolve into tears, he was crying harder than ever before. These were big giant tears, not his usual mini tears.

Suddenly a knock on his door interrupted his thoughts. "Could it be?" he thought nervously, "My lover, away from Justin and all those other NSYNC bastards!!?" He looked through the peephole of the door to his apartment, stunned to see his lost love standing on the other side! "I must prepare myself for this", he thought. He cranked the stereo louder, pulled out his Teen Beat pinup, and swung open the door.....

*Insert suspenseful pause*

*And another one*

*Oh that's right, three's a charm!*

"I've misshed you sho much," Josh Weiner stated, "let'sh never fight again." With that he grabbed the Teen Beat page of himself, Eric, Ricky, and Danny, drew in Tommy and the two swayed along to the music of No Authority's "I Like It" well into the night..

"I musht confessh it yeah..... ooooh.. and I like it......"

The End. - Tommy McCarthy

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