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Tommy's Survey

Here's Tommy's survey he filled out for us. We are still waiting on Danny and Ricky, but Danny doesn't have a computer, computer so it might be awhile. Sorry. Oh, and about the excessive use of "LOL!!" If you've ever received an email from Tommy, you know why.

Full Name: Tommy Boy McCarthy
Nicknames: $killz (spelled with a $ now that I am MEGAFLY!), Minimouth, Minihead, Skillet, Homeskillet, Skillét, TommyBoy, TMcC, Doc. Wow, I've got a lot!! LOL!!
Age: 20
Birthday: February 23
Location: Outside Bob Barker's house in my car Purple Rain. LOL!!
Hair Color: A brown mullet! Hehe. Just kidding. Actually it's brown frofrofro, the girls go nuts for it!! LOL!!
Eye Color: Blue.
Shoe Size: 8. You know what that means...small balls! LOL!!
Height: 5'11 and 3/4"
Weight: 85 lbs.


1. Who's your favorite band? Quiet Riot. They have mullets!! LOL!!

2. What's your favorite song at the moment?: I think my personal favorite is "Philmil Bodian Spector" cuz it reminds me of my own female body inspecting! LOL!!

3. What's your all-time favorite song?: Can I Get Your Number Baby! LOL!!

4. What's your type of music? Mini-Pop. LOL!!

5. BSB or *NSync? BSB, I know three has Kevin's mullet...or looks like Kevin, I can't remember. One does a mean Howie impression! One likes Nick! LOL!!

6. Who's your favorite female singer?: I like Ricky G. LOL!!

7. Who's your favorite male singer?: Gene Simmons! We have the same tongue!! LOL!!

8. Do you ever listen to pop?: I sing pop dammit, what do you think? Classy pop though, no way! LOL!!

9. Are you in a band?: Well if a band means instruments or having something other than a tape behind you while you sing...then no.

10. Is your band famous, if you're in one?: We're more famous than when they had Josh WEINER, that's for damn sure! My minimouth reels in the girls. It's either that or my Doc look. Damn I'm hot. LOL!!

11. What CD is in your CD player right now?: Quiet Riot. I got it for Christmas from the Galpals.

12. If you turned your CD player to "radio", what kinda station would it be on? Rock.

13. Korn? His hair reminds me of OTown's Jacob Mullet. I hate it.
Britney Spears? She's dating Justin...I'd have a better chance if it was Jesus! LOL!!
JayZ? Danny's next door neighbor. He has a lot of parties. LOL!!

14. What's the last CD you bought? Dream. My favorite song is #11...the Telephone one. Reminds me of me and *sigh* the galpals! LOL!!

15. Spice Girls or All Saints? Neither. Classy pop all around. Ew.

16. Come on...Have you ever (or do you) like Hanson? Hmm. Maybe.

17. What band posters are on your wall? Quiet Riot. N'Toon. No Authority cuz we are the BOOOOOOOOOMB BABY! LOL!!

18. Do you like the local music of your town? Yes.

19. What was your first CD? The self titled album No Authority. I wasn't on the first one but I take Weiner's solos when I sing in concert. Funny shtuff. LOL!!

20. Ever met any famous bands/singers? Yes. For some reason though, they ignore me. That's busted.

21. Would you say you have an advanced knowledge of music? Well I WAS in an MC Hammer video once. So, yes. LOL!!


1. Food: Lasagna. It's good when my mom makes it and I eat it cold in a hotel room right out of the skillet! I mean...PAN. LOL!!

2. Drink: 40's, Ashy beer. LOL!!

3. Candy: Pez, and mini m&m's...they fit in my mouth, not in my hand. LOL!!

4. Clothing Acessory: When my galpals aren't around, it's most definitely my SupaFly necklace. I also constantly wear different magical glasses that make me invisible, xray vision, etc...and a gray Think hat that I stole from Danny. LOL!!

5. Color: Purple for my car Purple Rain and the Lizard King! LOL!!

8. Name for a boy: Ranay or Bommy...hehe BommyToy, like TommyBoy. LOL!!

9. Family Member: My mom, she makes me lasagna and buys me beer

10. Store: Hmm good question. Danny's closet. LOL!!

11. Board Game: I don't play board games but I do play cards cuz I'm a gambling man. LOL!!

12. Sport: Jump rope. LOL!!

13. Cartoon Character: Superman, ya know, I've got a cool tattoo in the shape of Superman. Danny was there holding my hand. LOL!!

14. Computer Game: "Harass Josh Weiner." I play it with my galpals, but I try to keep it on the DL! LOL!!

15. Amateur website: Can I Get Some Humor Baby? They talk about me a lot. LOL!!

16. Professional website:, even though the bitches never update on a regular basis. It's a good site. "Thanks for the support!" LOL!!

17. Piece of Jewelery: My eyebrow ring. It's really cool. Eric has one too! LOL!!

18. (Girls) Nail Polish (Guys) After Shave: I don't paint my nails and Ricky hates cologne of any kind, that includes After Shave, sorry. LOL!!

19. Cologne/Perfume: "Weedarific for Men"

20. Book: Day in the Life. It's so funny! LOL!!

21. Condom: Hmm I don't ever get any so I don't have to worry about that. Jesus gets all my play! LOL!!>>


1. Hawaii or New York: New York, lots of weed smoking going on there in Long Island! LOL!!


3. *N Sync or BSB: BSB cuz I know some girls that always talk about them and their mullets.

4. Pen or Pencil: Sometimes Eric sticks pencils in my ear. It hurts. So then I write STRETCH on his forehead while he's asleep! LOL!!

5. Windows up or down (in the car): Hmmm I like them down so maybe I'll get recognized. *Wishful thinking* I usually don't though. *TEAR*

6. Gold or Silver: Silver is the color of my eyebrow ring, so silver I suppose. LOL!! I'm too po' too affowd gold! LOL!!

7. Concert or Television: I wish I could be on TV more. It's all Eric's fault.

8. Box or Bag: Yes.

9. Middle finger or Ring Finger: Middle. LOL!!

10. Regular Kiss or Gimme some tongue: I have a really long Lizard Tongue. It tends to have a mind of it's own. LOL!!

11. Make-up or natural: Just call me Estee Lauder! LOL!!

--JUST QUESTIONS 1. Are you crazy or are you more laid back? Laid back because I am always slightly buzzed. LOL!!

2. What kind of person are you? Mini.

3. What is the thing you just started saying recently?: Score, and mullets. LOL!!

4. What have you been saying for a long time?: Whatever. Eric got me started on it. LOL!!

5. Last thing you said aloud: Yes.

6. What car do you drive? A car called Purple Rain. It's an Avenger I think, I'll have to go check. LOL!!

7. Do you ever make prank phone calls? Sorta. I answer my phone and pretend I'm a boy named Ranay. LOL!! I'm so funny.

8. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Yes.>>

9. Did you ever win anything considered "big": Yes. The role of Lizard King. LOL!!

10. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: I told you before, Jesus gets all my play. LOL!!

11. Have you ever hacked an email account?: No but mine got hacked once. LOL!!

12. How many buddies are on your list? Eric Stretch and Josh Weiner.

13. Have you ever created and sent a virus?: No.

14. What kind of shoes do you like? Pilgrim shoes with buckles.

15. What are your wearing (accessories and all, in detail) right now? A dirty wifebeater, a think hat that I stole from danny, boxers with a smiley face on them and holey socks. I'm stylin! LOL!!

16. Do you have a website, if you do give the address?:

17. What are the last 4 digits of your phone number? Email me with CIGY# baby as the subject and I'll THINK about letting you have it. LOL!!

18. What is on your mousepad? The pic of me and my galpals from Georgia. I looked like a bum that day. We all looked like bums.

19. What is your most prized possesion: My SupaFly necklace.

20. Is 2Pac alive? Yes.

21. Who do you look like? Bommy but with two arms. LOL!!

22. Gay, Straight, Bi or Other? I am sooooo straight. Oh yes. LOL!!>>

23. Do you have any pets? Yes.

24. What's the best trick you ever played on someone? I told my galpals I was Ranay. LOL!!

30. Do you have any tattoos? What of? Yes, two. One of my initials and an NA.


1. Friends: Eric, Danny, Ricky
2. Funniest: Me, $killz
3. Silliest: Eric
4. Loudest: Eric
5. Craziest: Eric Lee Stretch
6. Skinniest: Eric
7. Best at keeping secrets: Danny, he's too dumb to know what to say.
8. Smartest: Me, Mr. Harvard
9. Most innocent-looking: Ricky
10. Sweetest: Ricky
11. Hottest: Danny...he's way hot.
12. Weirdest: Eric
13. Hyperest: Eric
14. Biggest pervert: Eric Stretch
15. Most annoying: Me, Skillét
16. Quietest: Ricky

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