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Tommy’s Bio Our Way

All the teenies sites use bios, so we figured we’d do them too.. but ours are a little bit different.

Name: Tommy Matthew McCarthy III (It took them three tries to get that perfection)
Birthdate: February 23, 1980 (same as Brit, year and all, it’s their birthday connection)
Height: Um. Like 5’11? All the “real” sites say like 6’1 but PSSH, yeah right, he’s SO not 6’1.
Weight: Less than Danny.
Nicknames: Homeskillet, Skillz, McCarthy, Conversationalist, Thug, TMcCee or TMC, T-Boz, NutMud CrumbSnatcher
Beer, porn, sex, jewelry, his GalPal, our messages, partying, potpies, kareoke, crushing beer cans, sausage, mullets, Lays salt and vinegar potato chips, beef jerky, winking
Hates: Keeping up his “image”, classy pop, Josh Weiner, when Danny acts like a bitch, Ricky, his evil one armed twin brother Bommy.
Personal Quote: "Just a spoon full of sugar…" "What do you think this is DC?!"
Wanna read more bios?
Eric - Danny - Ricky

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