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Hey guys, either it's you, or random people that just want to see what we have to say. Whatever, this is our MESSAGE to you. And since we know ya'll love MESSAGES, we will make this a good one. Enjoy.
From Kate

Tommy: I saw this video just recently (thanks Grasshopper) where you look like a leprecon doing an Irish jig. Thanks for the laugh.

Stretch: Survey says, the blonde doesn't look so bad. Like you CARE what I think, LOL!! RIP to your skunk streak.

Danny: I'm still waiting for this beach and fresh boots, I mean fruits.

Ricky: Watch where you flail those arms on stage, you might just knock someone out sometime.

To you guys as whole, just good luck on working with the new album. The fun and games are just getting started, soon enough we'll figure out this mystery.
