Behind The Scenes

Ever wonder what the guys are really thinking or if they do odd things that we don't know (or necessarily want to know)? I do. It may be that I am just weird and demented, but I thought the least I could do was share that with you. So here it is...

What do they do off stage??

Chris is not a psyco, he studies his psyco-babble bullshit.

Justin has a wife, four kids, and a heavy british accent with no ebonics.

Lance is working on his finishing touches on his makeup.

Joey is staring at the food while the food is staring back, and then the food convinces him to eat it, then Joey becomes bulimic.

JC is plotting the demise of the whole *NSync buzz.

What are they really thinking....

Do you all have girlfriends?

(What they are really thinking)

Justin-What the hell? Of course I do! I'm Justin Timberlake, what do ya'll think?

Chris-Hey this is one that I really don't have to lie about, straight up yo!

JC-I don't have just one, so I can't lie and say that I just have one, so technically it is the truth.

Lance-I do have a boyfriend, does that count?

Joey-The only girlfriend I could ever get is named chocolate chip.

What do you do in your spare time?

Chris-I like to spin records, surf, and rollerblade.

Justin-Yo! I love to check out the honeys on the beach and plays basketball.

JC-I love to write music and work in the studio.

Lance-I usually go horseback riding and jetskiing when I get free time.

Joey-I also like to jetski and I love to party and meet girls.

(What they are thinking)

Chris-I don't have a life outside the group, other than my flop of a clothing line.

Justin-I AM the great Justin Timberlake, I do some modeling and acting and pretend to be interested in Chris' flop of a clothing line.

JC-I sleep you freaking idiots!! Oh, yea, and when I am not with the group I try to help Chris with that flop of a clothing line.

Lance-I did just say that I went horseback riding, right, not the whole part about the sleeping with Joey. I also model the lingere from Chris' flop of a clothing line.

Joey-All I wanted to do was model for Chris' flop of a clothing line, but they said something about an image problem.

What would you be doing if you weren't in *NSync?

Justin-I'd be down there b-ballin' it on the courts, down in the old 'hood.

Chris-I would be working on somehow getting into the music buzz.

JC-I would be in an eternal sleep, or try producing.

Lance-I would probably be a horseback-riding instructor.

Joey-I would be a food tester.

(What they are really thinking...)

Note from author: Heck, how many times have they heard and answered this question?? I mean for real...Can't the fans hear this question the first time?

Chris-We are in *NSync for the love, what does it matter anyway? Hmm...a piece of string...

Justin-Why, of course, I would be with my family in England...

JC-What the hell, I don't know...I would sit around and say supercalifragalisticexpiallidocious all day long.

Joey-Hey, that was my answer...after eating anyway.

Lance-I would sit around and try different shades of eye-shadow.

**There are more questions to come, but if you have a question and thoughts then feel free to send them to me.**

Take Me Home, These Things Could Be True!