Flying Thoughts
Flying Thoughts

Ever wondered what the boys would be thinking about on a plane ride? I have, and I have come to the conclusion that their thoughts would be something along the lines of this...

Justin is on a plane going to the next tour date thinking about his old days in the "'hood" in Tennessee. He goes back to the time when he and the "gang" went cow tipping. What fun they used to have making cows fall over into the mud.

Chris is on the plane too, as are all the members of *NSync. He was going back to his college days, not being able to keep a girl and trying his hardest to get his voice deeper than that of a five year old girl.

Lance was sitting next to Joey, holding his hand, thinking about the days of secrecy he had with his boyfriend in Mississippi. They could never let anyone know that they were more than just bestest-estest friends.

Joey, clinging to Lance, begins to think about the time he at his first whole pizza, it was hard to remember because he was only three, but whatever he did remember was just wonderful.

JC was staring out the window at the fluffy white clouds thinking about "this one time at band camp...". No, really, he was remembering the NMMC and the affair he had going with Christina Aguleria, and then the one time with Britney Spears, and Keri Russell. Oh, yea, and her too...

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