Just Some Questions...

Just some questions I know you are thinking too...

Does Justin's mom get on anyone else's nerves?

Just how many girlfriends (or boyfriends in some cases) do each of them have?

Why does Justin think the hair, or whatever died on his head is working for him?

How far does Chris think his clothing line will actually get?

Why does Joey love Superman sooo much?

How much do they really HATE each other?

Why do I have the funny feeling that no one in the group, other than Chris, likes Justin?

Has anyone noticed how unsociable Chris is?

What is Lance's real hair color?

Has anyone else wondered what their video collection is on the tour bus?

What is going through their heads whenever they get flashed by males or females?

What does JC do that makes him sooo tired all the time?

WHO picks out the awful clothes they wear on-stage?

How many times have they not been virgins???

Why the hell do I think about these stupid, freaked-up things?

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