*NSync Rumors

These are some rumors that I have heard and was just wondering about them...

Lance is straight

Joey has a girlfriend (Come on you know this one can't be true!)

Justin isn't really that stuck-up

JC is spontaneous

Joey has naturally bright red hair

Chris is married with kids (who, other than me, would take him??)

They actually got together all by theirselves

They are really different from BSB

They get along like brothers (Have you ever seen five brothers fight, it's not a good thing)

Justin is only 19 years old (he looks about 23)

They have never experimented with each other

Now, on a more serious note, I do have some real rumors that I have investigated, and found to be true... For all you Justin and Chris fans out there, they have girlfriends. Guess what, they aren't you!!

*I know the identity of Chris' g/f, her name is Danielle (she played his girlfriend in the 'I Drive Myself Crazy' video).

*Justin is dating an unknown source, which also means that I have no idea who the hell she is, so don't email me asking about her.

I have recently found out that JC is also dating "a college girl, we like to keep it under raps". Welp, hope my info is useful!

Death to the Girlfriends!, no just kiddin'!

Go check out the rest of my pointless stuff!