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JC Chasez -

This one is for my sister, Jaimie. I cant make fun of JC too much otherwise my sister might kill me but thats just a chanxce I'll have to take right? :) Anyway this is the site for JC, He's the suposedly normal one...well at least normal compared to the rest of em....

When the visions around you brings tears to your eyes

Even with all the fame and money nerds will be nerds...I mean look at what he's wearing? I hear that when they took this picture Justin was sick and wasnt able to pick out Jc's clothes this morning thus leading to that dreadful thing JC has on

And all that surounds you

Yes this is how JC reacted when he 1st saw his group perfrom on MTV...It was so horrible he ended up throwing popcorn at the tv!

is secrets and lies

The one thing i have to say thats nice about JC is that I love that necklace he has on me being a LEO myself I think its really cool and he always wears it does that mean like a g/f gave it to him or sumthing???? Oh nad here's a nice picture of JC when my sister sees this one i think she'll faint yea she's THAT crazy.... For funny Jc quotes go to :