Stay With Me

Stay With Me -The Story
A Little About The Author
Upcoming Chapters
The Bodyguard - another of my stories

Hey! Wassup!? Thanks for coming by
Well Hey there. Thanks for coming to my little corner on the internet in this big world. This is just my best (well not really best cause this was my first) attempt at a BSB fan fiction. So click the story and read. Thanks Alot...Christin

P.S. Sign the guestbook

Hey everyone! Why just let me sit here and do nothing. I mean all you have to do is click on me and in seconds you will be signing me, the guestbook. Yeah, that's all you have to do is click on ME! That isn't so hard now is it. So start clicking! - The Guestbook

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Disclaimer: This is a product of Christin's. Established April 2000. Please do not take anything from my page without gaining my premission. Everything on this site is fictional. A work of my imagination. I do not know the backstreet boys, family members, someone that knows someone that knows a lighting man that has a brother that dates a backstreet dancer. Point made? Thank you.
