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Chapter 3

The next morning Bianca awoke to the sound of the phone ringing. Bianca looked at her clock and answered sleepily and said "Hello, Bianca isn’t home right now so leave a message at the beep and I’ll get back to you, BEEP!" Brian started to leave a message until Bianca cut him off.

"Why the hell are you calling me at five in the fucking morning???" she asked.

" I wanted your voice to be the first thing I heard when I woke up."

Once Bianca heard that she forgot all about what time it was.

"Meet me at the coffee shop at eightish okay?" Brian said.

"Okay" Bianca replied.

Promptly at eight o’clock Bianca strolled in the little coffee bistro and sat with Brian at the booth he chose for them and let Brian order for the both of them since they wanted the same thing. They had so much in common and appeared to be head over heels in love with each other the only problem was that they didn’t know it! Every other aspect of the relationship was perfect and things were going swimmingly, they valued each other as love interests . Two hours after they had originally planned to meet they had finished two large mocha lattes and a raspberry froth. They decided to leave and go to Brian’s house, Bianca was so sure there were at least two rooms she hadn’t seen yet, the bedroom and the bathroom with the hot tub in it. She didn’t know what it was about the living room but in her own opinion it was the best room in every house. She was a real cuddly person and the best cuddling was done in that room especially when you’re sitting in front of a romantic movie with a roaring fire going.

Chapter 4 *not up yet*
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