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***Chapter 4***

Brian was the absolute sweetest person Bianca had ever met and still couldn’t believe she was romantically involved with him. As much as she would’ve liked to deny her feeling for him she couldn’t and it scared her for she had never felt this way about anyone, This was the exact same thing Brian was experiencing. That night they sat in front of the TV and talked about it in great detail. Brian had prepared a gourmet dinner and served it in front of the fireplace. After dinner they held each other close as if they didn’t want the other to escape and said nothing. Maybe it was the fact that they were watching "While You Were Sleeping" but they were emerged in deep thought about their relationship. They seemed to be reading each other’s mind because they leaned in for a kiss at the same time. At that point nothing could hold them back. He looked at her, her eyes seemed to be calling him, drawing him closer to a night full of passion. A night he would never forget.

Chapter 4
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