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^~* Chapter One*~^

The Backstreet Boys had a sold out tour and each of them were in disbelief. They had been working their a**es off for years and they had finally gotten the respect they deserved. All of that time they had had their fair share of girls, but what would have happened?, they would have had a fan in their home. Someone who knows everything about you without even knowing you personally. Nick and the guys decided to celebrate at McDonalds. After they got their food they went to sit at their table. Nick wanted some ketchup with his fries and headed in that direction. He wasn’t looking where he was going and knocked right into a girl. Nick said excuse me and never really looked up at her because he was afraid that he spilled on her. She told him not to worry because the drink hadn’t hit her. He couldn’t feel it. Nick insisted that she let him buy her another one. When he came back with her drink Nick couldn’t find her. Nick actually tried looking for her and found her at the table she had chosen. He set her drink down and turned to leave but did a double take when he realized she was laughing at him. He had hoped he hadn’t done anything stupid and embarrassing. Nick’s next step was to inquire about why she was laughing. She told him that he had spilled the drink on himself. Nick looked down and was shocked to see that he had spilled all over his crotch and he hadn’t even noticed it.

"Would you like to sit down so you can hide your little mishap" she said.

"Yes, please!" Nick sat down and said, "Forgive me, my name is Nick Carter."

"My name is Rhianne Wilson."

"Nice to meet you" they said simultaneously.

Rhianne already knew she liked him and upon reaching this conclusion she blushed. Once the ice was broken they discovered they actually had a lot in common like boating, playing practical jokes on friends, and video games. Nick never told her he was in the entertainment business or that he was a Backstreet Boy. He was happy that Rhianne liked him for him and he didn’t want to mess that up. He would tell her after they got to know each other a little more better. Nick asked Rhianne if she wanted to go sailing with him the next day and told her he was going to bring his little brother Aaron along too. Rhianne accepted the offer mainly because Nick was sweet and she wanted to get to know him a whole lot better, the boat just gave her and excuse.

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