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Chapter Two

The next day Nick picked her up and introduced her to Aaron who was upset because he was having to share his brother. Aaron, who just like a child who was jealous, looked at Rhianne and couldn’t resist the urge to embarrass his brother.

Aaron yelled "Hey Nick, is that your girlfriend?"

Nick turned all shades of red and didn’t say a word. Nick opened the car door for Rhianne and then got in himself. They drove to the dock and got on his boat. Rhianne struck somewhat of a conversation with a Aaron and reached a compromise. Rhianne volunteered to sit in the back seat and let him sit beside Nick. Aaron warmed up to her quickly after that. Rhianne walked over to Nick at the steering wheel and asked him to drop anchor and take Aaron fishing for a little while. The fishing venture helped the situation of everything. Aaron liked Rhianne because despite the fact that she was a girl, she could fish! After fishing and sailing Nick and Rhianne dropped Aaron off at the house to play video games. Nick took Rhianne to the beach. Nick took off his shoes and socks and started walking along the coast with Rhianne next to him. The whole time they were playing with each other. They had made a sandcastle and got into a sand fight. Rhianne ran into the water to escape but Nick gave chase. They ended up playing a game of tag. From all the water they were splashing it appeared as if you were in the eye of a hurricane. They had never had so much fun. Walking back to the coast Nick tripped and fell into the water. Rhianne couldn’t help but bust out laughing. Nick was both embarrassed and in the mood to just simply shake the whole thing off and have fun.

Once Nick felt like getting up he yelled "Oh, so you think it’s funny huh, see how you like it!" with that he picked up Rhianne swung her around and dropped her in the water.

At this point they decided to call it quits. They were both soaked and getting cold. Nick took off his jacket and offered it to Rhianne. When he handed it to her she laughed and laughed, what good was a wet jacket to her, Nick was just as soaked as she was. Nick and Rhianne decided to leave and go to his house to dry off. When they got there Nick started a fire and they sat in front of it. Rhianne had a cold or at least minor symptoms of it so nick offered her a sweater and a pair of pants to change into. Nick led Rhianne to his bathroom and let her change. Rhianne noticed the faint smell of Gravity on Nick’s sweater and took it in slowly. She loved the smell of Gravity. She joined Nick in front of the fireplace. Nick had taken it upon himself to turn on his CD of top 50 romantic songs. He had made no specific plans that evening but to sit and talk. It had been such and exhausting day that that was the only thing he wasn’t too tired to do. As they sat there cuddling together chit-chatting about all the fun they had earlier they fell asleep in each other’s arms. Even though Nick had planned nothing special but cuddling for that night that didn’t mean he hadn’t formed a plan for the following day. Nick took Rhianne and Aaron to and amusement park. They all had a great time, riding the roller coasters, the slower rides, playing the (rigged) games, and when night fell going into the haunted house. Aaron ran through it with glee but Rhianne and Nick were hugging each other with fright. While at the park Nick noticed a booth that looked like it would be easy to win Rhianne a teddy bear. After the park closed Nick took Rhianne home. She was so happy and tired at the same time that she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

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