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*Chapter Three*

The following morning Nick stopped by Rhianne’s house and took her to the park. Nick brought along Willie and Mickey as well as a picnic basket and blanket. They left the basket and blanket in the car and took the dogs for a short walk. Nick took Willie and Rhianne took Mickey. When they got back they set up their picnic. Nick had packed some lasagna, sparkling cider, and some homemade chocolate & vanilla cake layered with gobs and gobs of frosting. When Rhianne finished her cake she still had a little dab of frosting on her lip. Fortunately for my story she didn’t know it. Nick leaned over to kiss her and it lasted for (whoo! I need my breath) nearly five minutes. Rhianne asked him what she had done to deserve such a wonderful, long, wonderful kiss.

Nick said "You had a bit of frosting on you lip. Problem is, your lips are sweet naturally just like you. The frosting added too much sugar."

"Hmm, Rhianne said, now that It’s gone why don’t you try again." With those words Nick didn’t hesitate.

"Yeah, much better." He said.

When they were finished they packed up and went for a drive, not knowing where they were going but still ending up back at Nick’s house watching TV on the couch playing and tickling. It was getting late so Nick dropped Rhianne off at her apartment. The next morning she and Nick went jogging. The whole time Nick was panting and puffing behind her begging for relief and water. Rhianne finally stopped and said "Okay, okay Nick we’ll stop, I pulled a muscle anyway. We’ll do something else."

"Good, said Nick, You know I’m too fat for this." Nick suggested that they go back to the beach, this time for the whole day. When they reached the beach they headed strait for the sea. They went for a walk along the pier and sat along the edge. They sat there talking and letting their feet dangle in the water. It was such a nice sunny day that they decided to have a race and see who could build a sand castle faster and then destroy it by throwing the other person in it. Needless to say Nick won. Nick was much stronger than Rhianne was or could be. After building the castles Nick took Rhianne home to relax a bit before returning to the beach that night. Nick told Rhianne that he had to run an errand and that he would be back later to pick her up.

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