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Chapter 10: Cruel Intentions

Cruel Intensions

“Whats the matter?” Howie looked at Denise concerned.

“Nothng’s the matter.” She sat, twirling her fork in the pasta.

“ Well, you don’t seem happy. Is this to fancy for you?” Howie asked with sad eyes.

“Not at all...It’s just something persoonal..thats all.”

“Well what is it? I know you just met me, but I want you to feel comfortable and have a fun night. We’re leaving on Sunday.” he said putting his hand on hers to try to comfort her.

“It’s just...I’m afraid to get close to’ see...I don’t have feelings for guys...i don’t feel know?” She looked at Howie and cringed.

“Oh...i see.” Howie leaned back, taking his hand off hers. “So you have feelings for girls?”

“Well, no. Not exactly.” She looked confused and almost started to cry.

“I don’t get what your trying to...” Howie looked up as Anne, as they soon found out was the waitress’s name, took the plates.

“Say what?”

“Well when im with you, I don’t feel thaexplosion but...”She looked down not trying to hesitate.

“But what?” Howie asked begginning to becone irriatated aher stuttering.

“I don’t want to geclose to you, caus I know it wont work, you being famous and all. Do you see whai’m saying?”

“Yeah, I know exactly whayour saying.It is hard, but if it was meant to be, it will work doesn’t hurt to try.Don’t you tihkg?” he asked, hinting thahe liked her and WANTED to make it work.

* At Shantea’s*

“Ugh, I hate Sarah Michelle Gellar!” Shantea spat out as she snarled in disbelief at her evil plan.

A.J. just chuckled and kept enjoying the girl cuddled up so close to him.

“Well don’t you agree? I mean she ALWAYS play the bitch of a movie, and anyways, whoever does something like that to Ryan Philippe HAS to be a bitch!”

A.J. and Shantea were sitting on Shantea’s bed watching “Cruel Intensions.” They decided to hang out instead of going out.

“You are beautiful Shantea. Why would you want to hide it?” A.J. though to himself.


“Yeah?” She said as she kept her eyes glued to the t.v., watching Ryan’s every move.

“Were leaving Sunday...and I want you to come with us.” her pulled her face towards his and looked at her with heart-filled eyes.

“Wha-what? I though you were in two week?I cant go with you. I ahve school...” She looked so tied up in emotions, she was about to burst.

“Calm down baby, calm down.” he leaned over and pushed hair out of her face. “ It’s okay, I guess we can on the phone...I’ll visit this summer, or even christmas.”

She stared at him blankly. Her eyes bagan to water and she threw her arms aroung him. She never wantes to let go. She didn’t care is he tried to hug back ot anything. Shantea wanted him to sit and enhale his sweet scent forever.

“It’s ok Shantea. We have 2 more days.” He nuzzled her hair, smelling the tantalizing gesture of her charry shampoo.

*The Next Day*

Missy satup slowly in the satan sheets she had slept in the night beofre. Stretching she looked to the side and watched Brian peacefully sleeping.She smiled as thought of last night crept in her head. “man what a night.” she snuck out of beed to go get breakfast for Brian. As she walked down the 5 star hotel, she heard a door open behind her. She didn’t want to be rude so she continued to walk towards her destination.

“Omigod! Dont tell me Missy! You and Brian?” yelled a familiar voice behind her.

“Kylee?” screamed Missy as she found her best friend behind her.

“What are you doing here?” asked Kylee, suspiciously looking aMissy in oversized, whalooked like a guys t-shirt.

“Oh...nothing.” she girlishly beamed.

“Not uh! Did you guys...u know...?” Kylee raised an eyebrow, grinning naughtily.

“Well...what are you doing here?” She tried to change the subject.

“Ummmm me... me and Nick...kinda hit it off. We didn’t even go to the movie, we just...” Kylee was interupted by a door opening. Brian poked his head out and smiled when he caught Missy’s sight.

“Hey sleepy head.” Missy gestured for Brian to come out og the room. he wlked slowly over to the 2 girls in the hall, scratching his head tiredly. He stood behind her and put his arms around Missy in a tight hug.

“Morning.” she told him grabbing him from behind her.

“Wow, you guys are pretty tight eh? questioned Kylee, observing their coulple-like behavior.

“Yeah, I guess” answered Missy gleaming happily.

“Did you stay with Nicky last night?” Brian asked Kylee.

“Yup.It was pretty fun too” grinned Kylee.

“Well ill catc you guys later!” Kylee yelled , walking off towards the elevator.

“Bye!” Brian and Missy yelled back as brian picked her up and started carrying her back to the room.

“What are you doing?” She giggled.

“Well your hair is turning me on...” he answere with a sexy smile.

“Oh! Well.....”

Chapter 9: Butter?
Chapter 11: Dial The Digits
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