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Chapter 11: Dial the Digits

*2 Days Later*

“Bye baby…I’ll miss you.” A.J. hugged Shantea so tight, he never wanted to let go.Shantea decided not to say anything, but to just stand there, embraced in A.J.’s arms.

“I don’t want you to go Brian.” Missy kissed him for the longest time.

“Come here and give me a hug.” Kevin and Lexi laughed as he grabbed her and blanketed her in his affection, which didn’t seem to be returned by Lexi.

Kylee and Nick sitting side by side in an airport chair kissing. They’d been doing it since the group had gotten there……..15 miutes ago.

As fior Howie and Denise, since the night of there dinner, they hadn’t said more then one word to eachother. Denise didn’t come to the sirport and Howie was busy chattign away with a flight attendant on her break.

“Flight 238 to Florida is now boarding, Flight 238 now boarding” announced an employee over the intercom.

All the girls looked at the boys with sad adoring eyes saying “don’t go” , but they were returned answering gazes of “I have to its my job!” So without any other words, the 5 guys picked up there suit cases and travel bags and walked towards gate 238. The 4 sad girls stood, watching hpoelessly as they stepped on the plane. They waved bafore disappearing into the huge white aircraft.

* 3 Months Later *

“Do you even think they’ll remember us?” A.J. asked nick as he flipped a piece of paper over in his hands. “ I dunno……should I call her?” he questioned, not really neddind an answer.

“ Yeah man. Why not? I mean we havent’d talked to them in what, 3 months? Hell yeah you should call her.

“ Well……ok…” he hesitated but picked up the cordless phone and pressed ON. He sat for awhile, listening to the annoying repeating of the beeps. Then snapped out of it when Howie walked into the tiny tour bus kitchen and snapped his fingers.

“ Hey you okay?” howie asked wondering what the heck A.J. was doing.

“ Oh yeah, man. Just day dreaming.” He looked down at the paper and decided, okay im gonna do this. Ill take whatever I deserve…… I go…!

* Back in Arizona *

“Im so happy you and Virgal are working out!” Shantea told Denise into the mouth of the furry cheetah phone.

“Yeah…he is so cool. You have no idea what he’s like when were alone. I know he seems rude, but I dunno why he’s like that!” She was shaking in excitement.

“I hope you guys have fun tonight.” She was speeking of Denise going with Virgal to the senior prom.

“Omigosh, I’m so excited. I don’t think I –“ Denise was interupted as Shantea told her to hold on caus she someone beeped in from the other line.

“Hello?” she asked.

“Hi….Shantea there?” the familiar voice questioned. “ Well…don’t I sound familiar to you? We’ve met before….” The voice smiled, trying to lead her on.

“Ummmm…” she also began to smile, realizing who is was and liking how smoothly he aproached her after 3 months. “ I met this one guy awhile ago…but…nah…you couldn’t be him…he has a WAY sexier voice than you!” she began flirting with him, so excited to here his voice after so long.

Chapter 10: Cruel Intentions
Chapter 12 : Kissy Kissy
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