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Chapter 12 : Kissy Kissy

"Omigosh A.J.! I missed you so much!" Shantea ran towards the outstretched hands of A.J. and jumped into them. She kissed him franticly.

"I missed you to baby!" He kissed back, with the same amount of force.

"Brian..." Missy calmed.

"Hey girl! How are things?" He hugged her and kissed her softly on her forehead.

"Good." She laid her head on his shoulder and took a big breath, relieved to finally be back in his arms.

*In The Car*

"What happened over your three months?" Howie put a friendly arm around Denise' shoulder.

"Actually, some pretty cool stuff. Me and this guy Virgal have been dating a while."she begged he wouldn't be hurt since he was pretty sweet with her that day they met.

"Hmmm…seems pretty nice. I'm happy for you." He disappointedly told her. They pulled up the long drive way to the three story mansion that was Lexis' house.

"Damn girl! Your house is phat!" A. J. exclaimed, opening the car door. Lexi just smiled and got out of the car. They had taken two cars, so A.J., Lexi, Shantea, and Kevin waited while Howie, Denise, Kylee, Missy and Brian pulled up. While the guys stood and gawked over the house, the 5 girls walked up to the double doors.

"Come on guys!" Lexi opened the doors and signaled for everyone else to come in. They stepped inside and looked around them amazed. A tall, old man joined them in the door way.

"Miss. Rohde, nice of you to come home!" he joked, in a husky rasp voice.

"Thank you Jefery. These are my friends. They'll be staying with us." She smiled as the 5 guys greeted the butler.

"You are a talented bunch. I've seen you on T.V. and all over Lexis' walls." Jefery grinned and offered to help with the luggage. "I have set up rooms for you all. Follow me." he started up the gigantic stairs. They all followed, peering around them. As they reached their rooms, each one stepped into them.

"I think I'm gonna like it here…" Nick grinned as a huge T.V. appeared when he peeked in his room."Good thing I brought my Dream Cast." As Nick began to set it up, Brian was in the room next to him.

"This is a little much, but it's just for a couple days." He told Missy, who had followed him into the room, to help him get settled.

"Yeah, we're used to it. It's pretty fun here. They've got a huge kitchen! And a really cool garden out back. With exotic flowers and the most beautiful fountain. It's gorgeous at night. I'll have to show you it…" she grinned devilishly, trying to hint the obvious gesture. Brian grinned at her.

"Oh yeah…guess you'll have too…" He hugged her and kissed her forehead.

At Dinner That Night

"Je'mon{cooks name, not a jamaican expression}, that was delicious." Kevin gushed, the homey one of them all. He whipped his mouth gingerly with a cloth napkin.

"Yes Je'mon, terrific.Well I'm pretty beat…I'll have be going to bed now…" A.J. hinted to Shantea to join him.

"Oh me too." She fought back a giggle and jumped beside A.J.

"Nite all." They left.

"Good nite guys!" Howie tried to sound happy, but Denice could read right through his thoughts. She knew he was upset. She couldn't stand to do this to him, but she loved Virgal and that was that.

1 Hour Later

"Ha ha!" Kylee was cracking up at Nicks Mike Myers impression from "Austin Powers; The Spy Who Shagged Me".

"I feel a turtl' head pokin' out!" He puffed out his stomach pushed his chin in, making a double one. Kylee laughed at him, even though he sucked.

"You're such a dork!" Denice yelled at Nick jokingly. Howie, Denice, Kevin, Kylee, and Nick were watching a movie in the small theater Lexi had in her house. They were throwing popcorn at eachother and cracking up at each funny or not funny joke Nick came up with. Kylee climbed over a chair to get to Nick. She leaned into him to whisper into his ear. "Ok." He grinned back at the frisky girl.

In Lexis' Room

"Lexi, I dunno what to do." Denise sat comfortably in a blue blow up chair, fiddling with a purple inflatable pillow.

"Well Denise. I dunno what to tell you. You obviously didn't like Howie in that way since you totally forgot about him and went to Virgal." Lexi said, looking concerned for her friend. She was laying on her bed, relaxing and listening to Sugar Ray, which was playing on her huge sound system.

"Well…I just thought he was cool to hang out and talk to. I really don't feel all that comfortable around him now." she gushed with a sigh. She looked over at Lexi, but she had fallen asleep. She just smiled to herself and wondered out of the room. She walked down the long hallway, kinda scaring herself since she was all alone and it was dark. I've always hated this house, it's so creepy! She shivered and continued walking in caution. Hurried footsteps rushed towards her as she stopped, realizing them. She turned and a dark figure approached her.

*A.J. And Shantea*

"This so amazing. Even though I've seen it a million times, it still takes my breathe away. I've always wanted to run away and live with Lexi…come out here every night and stare up at the sky while sitting on the edge…" Shantea ran her hand over the cold concrete and looked up at A.J., who was standing in front of her. She got up and walked along the edge, bending over to swish hand around in the light water.

"Yeah, it is pretty." He stood back and watched the water spilling over the sides. He peered at her.

"I love you." He said out of total shockness. Shantea looked up at him. It came out of the blue, but she still smiled.

"I love you too." She walked over to him and hugged him. She put her hands in his and started walking down a stone path off to the side of the fountain. A.J. didn't say anything, he just followed her, enjoying every minute.

Missy And Brian

"You can't beat that!" teased Missy as she made the 7 ball into the left pocket.

"Watch me." He smirked and got in position. "5 ball, right corner pocket." he called out and shot. The ball bounced off the sideline and hit the 8 ball right into the pocket he called.

"Haha!" screamed Missy, excitedly jumping up and down at her victory.

"That's not funny." he pouted, giving a puppy dog face and crossing his arms.

"Awww….you poor thing." Missy put on a mothers face and walked over to him. She kissed him and smiled happily.

"Will you make it all better?" Brian asked, grinning with devil horns.

"Uh huh." She smiled, grabbing his hands and placing them on her hips. Then putting her hands around his neck, she began kissing him, first slow, then faster and more aggressive.

Chapter 13: Then Who?
Chapter 14: Pants Down
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