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~* Then Who? *~

“No A.J.! Omigod, don’t die on me now! I need you!” Screamed Shantea. Dropping to her knees, she fell on him, balling like a new born baby.

“Shantea? Wake up sweetie.” Missy shook the shivering girl. Shanteas eyes snapped open. She sat straight up and looked around her. Then catching her friends eye, she asked “What happened?”

“I dunno, you were yelling in your sleep. Like someone was trying to kill you or something.” She looked at Shantea, who was confused and upset. “Nevermind. get up sleepy head! Jeferys’ prepaired this AWESOME breakfast. I know your starving pork chop! Come on.” Missy teased., jumping up and running out of the room. She sat and stared awhile, thinking about her dream. It was the third time she’s had that dream in the last week. She decided to think about it later as the taunting smell creeped into her nostriles, making her stomach growl fiercly. She got up and power walked down stairs. As she was walking past the second floor, she heard a cry and a sniffle coming from the bathroom. She tiptoed to the cracked door and peeked in.

“God damnit. What am I going to do?” Whipping her nose off with her hand.

“You alright Denise?” Shantea slowly pushed open the door and questioned her saddness. She fumbled with something that eventually fell to the ground, revealing a home pregnancy test.

“Oh no...Denise?” she gave her a look of surprise. Denise stood there, straing at her friend. Suddenly she burst into tears and ran to her friend, hugging and crying her eyes out on Shantea.

“Honey, you poor thing. Who’s the father?” she waited for her answer but looked at Denise when she didn’t. She didn’t say a word, but shook her head no when Shantea guessed Howie.

“Is it Virgal?” She guessed.

“No.” was all Denise said.

“Then who is it?” Shantea couldn’t think of anyone else who could be the father. Denise backed away, looking to the ground.

“Den-” but she was too late, Denise ran out of the bathroom, dissapearing down the hall.

*Nick and Kylee*

Nick opened his eyes to the sun beaming. He looked to his side, but paused when no one was there. He looked all around him, but no Kylee.

“Kylee? Where are you?” Nick called, getting up from the grassy area they had slept in. He slipped on his boxers to begin walking back to the house, looking in every spot he passed to find her.

*At the Breakfast Table*

Shantea giggled as she felt A.J. playfully rubbing her foot with his from under the table. Howie looked over at them, wishing he could be in that stage of a relationship too.

“Morning.” Shantea greeted as she sat down at the table. She noticed Denise was already at the table, eating peacefully.

“Hey.” A cheerfully Lexi asked, grabbing a piece of bacon from the platter. Denise pilled her plate up again. Scarfing them down, she realized 8 pairs of eyes fixed on her.

“What? What are you guys looking at?” she asked, stuffing an ego into her mouth.

“Are you really hungry or something?” Kylee scoffed.

“Yeah, are you pregnant or something? Damn!” Missy teased her. Shantea dropped the tongs into the pancake plate by accident and looked at Denise. Denise choked a little. She looked around the table and didn’t know what to say.

“N- Guys, shes just hungry!” She told them in defence.

“Ok...just joking.” Missy eyed her sucpiciously, dipping a sausage in syrup and devoured it.

“Mr. Littrel. You have a phone call.” Jefery informed from the door way.

“Coming.” Brian curiously walked over to the phone in the dining room. He revealed the back of his shirt, which sported the Huskers. Missy giggled when she saw his white ass
.................................legs.{haha, thought I was a pervert? :oP} Kevin smiled to himself when he knew she was looking at his cousins legs. Brian looked back and gave a wide sarcastic smile. He picked up the phone ans said ‘Hello'?”

“Yo B-Rock! It’s Kurt!” A false sounding voice answered.

“Oh, hey. Whatz up?” Brian asked, almost sighing.

“I’ve got some good and bad news. You and the guys have to come back to orlando! Which could be good or bad to you. I dunno. Anyways....that’s the way it has to be!” He pretended to feel sorry for them.

“OK. Wheres the good news?” He could feel questioing stares from evryone at the table.

“You will find that out soon.’ He had a hitch in his voice. “The Rolling Stones want you all on their cover for January. So you have a shoot. We’ll be sending the tickets to you in 3 days.”

“Shit man, we just got here!” Brian put his hand on his head and put it back in anger.

“ Sorry, that’s just the way it is. Talk to you later.”

Chapter 14
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