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Chapter 14: Pants Down

"Wow." Shantea was sitting in a chair in A.J.'s dressing room. "You look pretty Snazy."

"Don't I?" A.J. tugged at his sports jacket. They were at the 'Rolling Stones' photo shoot in New York. A.J. played with his hair a little and headed towards the door. "Come on baby." he signaled her over to him.

"You can come watch." They walked out the room with A.J.'s hand around her shoulder.

"There you are!" Shannon rushed over to the couple. 'We've been looking for you! Lou's ready for ya!" She pushed them towards a doorway. They walked in, finding the other guys standing in front of a silver wall. They were all in suits like A.J.

"Over here A.J.!" Lou yelled in a french accent. He walked over and stood next to Nick. Lou hollard out some funny words and began snapping photos of the guys. After about 10 minutes of shooting, Lou stood up and put his hands on his head, like he was thinking. Then all of a sudden, he snapped up.

"Drop 'em." he said simply.

"Wh- excuse me?" Brian asked with wide eyes.

"You heard me. Drop 'em." he stood with his arms folded.

"Drop what?" Nick had a confused look on his face.

"Drop your pants to your ankles. The consumers will absolutely LOVE this!" he bent over and reloaded his camera.

"Uh-" Kevin began but was cut off when Lou snapped his fingers. The 5 guys looked at each other. A.J. brought his hands to his pant button and unbuttoned them. Then they all did. They looked up suddenly when they heard Shantea giggling.

"I'm sorry!" she leaned over with her hand over her mouth. A.J. smiled and continued to drop his pants. After about 20 minutes of photos, debates and laughter, the guys went back to their dressing rooms to switch outfits. Shantea dropped lazily on the couch and rested her head on her hand with a huge smile.

"We've never done anything like that before. It was cool though." A.J. admitted, unbuttoning his starched white shirt.

"Yeah, it was. I can't believe Nick! He always hides his body."

"Well, you have to admit his body ain't all that." A.J. glanced in the mirror, fixing his eyebrows.


"What! It's true!"

"That was mean. I didn't think you were such a jerk." Shantea's eyebrows were scrunched and she looked at him disgracefully.

"Oh…come on baby. I'm just being truthful." he sat down next to her and ran his hand gently through her hair. She tried to look serious but couldn't help his pleading face. She leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips.

"Hey, what's been up with Denise? She's been isolating herself from us." A.J. asked a couple minutes later.

Shantea hesitated a bit, wondering if she should tell him or not. "When we were at Lexis', I was walking down to breakfast, and I walked past the bathroom. I heard her crying in there and when I went in, she had a pregnancy test." Shantea looked at him, telling him not to say anything to anyone through her eyes.

"Really? Was it positive?" A.J. sounded serious.


"Did she tell you who it was?"

"Well…I guessed a couple guys."


"Howie and Virgal."

"Oh no, it's not Howie is it? He couldn't deal with it. Don't get me wrong, he-"

"No! It's not him. It's not Virgal either."

"Who is it then?"

"I asked, but she never answered…she ran out of the room."

"That can't be good." He scratched at his chin and got up to finish getting ready. "Are you gonna talk to her?"

"I'm gonna try. I don't know if she'll tell me though. All I want to do is help her." A.J. smiled at her and shook his head. "What?"

"Aww nothin'. You're just so sweet. Always wanting to help people. I love that about you." Shantea just smiled and grabbed his hand.

"Shantea…I have something that I think you should know."


"Well, since we're on this subject…about 2 years ago, I went clubbing with Nick. We got really drunk, and it happened that 3 months later…I had a kid." A.J. stared into her eyes, hoping she would except it. He looked down at his hands, moving hi thumb joints back and forth.

"It's ok A.J., It was mistake. I…I don't know what else to say." She sat breathless. "Don't get mad Shantea, he's not perfect and stuff like this happens all the time."

"Her name is Kayla. She's 13 months old." A.J. answered in a low almost mumur. He knew she was thinking that in the back of her mind.

"Hmmm…where does she live?"

"Oregon. I see her at least once a month. I have a picture." He picked up his wallet from the dressing room table. He flipped through some pictures of his Mom, dogs and the guys to a picture of a little baby with dark brown hair and little eyes.

"She looks just like you…" Shantea smiled. Butterflies formed in her stomach when she began to think of her and A.J. one day having a kid of their own.

"I know, but she has her mom's eyes."

"I'd like to see her sometime."

"That'd be great. I might be flying out in two weeks. Do you want to come with me?" he closed the wallet and set it back on the table.

"Sure. This is just so surprising."

"Yeah. Most of my other girlfriends would have dumped me by know when they found out."

"You guys have kept it from the public pretty good."

"I know. We were so shocked it didn't get out the next day-"

"Come on, they're ready for you!" called an unfamiliar face from the doorway that smiled and slammed it shut.

"Gotta go babe." He kissed her on her forehead and got up to leave. He paused as he began to turn the doorknob. He moved around slowly to face her. She looked up and smiled at him.

"What is it?" Shantea asked. He said nothing, walking over to the chair and mirror. He picked up an object and walked over to Shantea. She gasped as a small black box appeared in her focus.

"A.J.…" she put a hand on her chest and one to her mouth.

"I really love you Shantea. Since we're not leagally of age I decided to get you something to show I want to be with you forever." He opened it and moved towards her.

"Omigosh A.J.…" her eyes twinkled as she peered at the gleaming diamond on a silver band. He took it out of the box and gingerly took her left hand.

"I love you too A.J. But don't you think I'm a little to yo-" "Don't..." he inturuppted her and put a finger on her lips." I know I'm always gonna love you. This is only a promise ring." He grinned calmly at her. She was so speechless that she just threw her arms around his neck and kissed him uncontrolably. "I love you so much!"

"I love you too baby."

Two Weeks Later

"This is cute!" exclaimed Missy. "Brian'll love this!" she took a Huskers T-shirt off a rack and folded it over her arm.

"Damn girl. Are you shopping for Brain or you?" asked Lexi, who was trying on a pair of shoes.

"Both of us! He gave me the money, I might as well buy him something." She wondered to another rack with Nike T's on it. Lexi, Missy and Kylee were out shopping with money Brian Nick and Kevin had given them.

"This is so awesome. I never thought we would be shopping on the streets of New York. Especially with this much money." Kylee combed through a rack of baby T's. After they purchased their items, they headed out the door.

"Where next?" asked Kylee, eager to spend the 100's burning a hole in her pocket.

"Let's get something to eat. How about some fancy restaurant?" Lexi suggested.

"Sure, we might as well." Missy continued walking, swinging the bag of newly bought clothes by her side.

"Do you guys know how lucky we are?" Lexi asked out of the blue.

"Uh huh. I thought I would never even be close enough to see the whites of their eyes, now I'm sleeping with-" Missy cut off when she realized what she was about to say. She turned to look at her friends and blushed. Kylee just laughed and said "I know."

"You now? How?" Missy was confused. Even though her friends share all their experiences with her, she never shared this one with them.

"You were always in such a good mood when you came home from spending time with Brian, especially when you stayed with him."

"So…that just means that I love him and enjoy his company."

"Well…" she hesitated. "Someone told me."

"Who? Me and Bria-" She hung on that word.

"Nick told me." She winced, knowing it would upset her greatly.

"Nick! Omigosh. Brians off telling the whole frigen world!" Missy shook her head. "I'm not talking to him for awhile." It was silent to the rest of the day.

At the Hotel

"Brian! What the hell." Nick laughed while Brian acted like he was pushing him down the stairs. They were taking all the luggage to the bus from the rooms. Brian stopped at the bottom of the concrete staircase to notice Missy driving up in her rented jeep. She jumped out and slammed the door behind her. She stormed past him, to where he almost fell back in the wind between them. She didn't even look at him as she ran up to her room.

"Missy? Wait up!" Brian went after her and chased her all the way down the hall.

"Wow, what's up with her?" Nick asked Kylee, who came up behind him with her hands around his waste. The three people stood and observed what was happening.

"Well. Um…I kinda told her you told me that Brian told you what happened." Kylee inocently smiled at him.

"You what! I can't believe you. I told you not to say anything."

"I'm so sorry Nick! I had to tell her."

"Brian trusted me. I was the ONLY one he told!" Nick flung the hand she was holding away from her and glared. By this time, Lexi had snuck onto the bus, giving them their privacy.

"Nick! Please!" she yelled as he ignored her pleas & picked up the bags he had set down, carrying them onto the bus without a word. Kylee was never one to handle fights so she burst out in tears. Lexi appeared back outiside and comforted her hurt friend.

"It's ok honey."

Brian & Missy

"Missy!" Brian punched on the door & yelled through to the girl who was ignoring his calls inside. "What's the matter? Why are you ignoring me?" he stopped punching & waited for an answer. A soft voice came through the door.

"Please just leave me alone."

"Why? Missy…come on. Tell me what I did." There was a long silence & the doorknob clicked open. He stood as the door opened & revealed Missy. She stood there with her bags in her hand. She stared at him with a hint of anger in her eyes. Then she walked past him, heading towards the bus.

That Night

"Ow!" Shantea whistled as Erik came out from backstage in a towel.

"Damn, boy works out!" Lexi growled. She would give ANYTHING to be with Erik, too rub herself all over his sexy body. All five girls were sitting in the TV room watching "Odd Man Out". It went on to commercial. Denise couldn't stand it anymore. She turned to Missy and said, "You need to talk to him Miss." She caringly put a hand on her shoulder. Missy continued to look at the TV. She didn't say anything, acting like she didn't hear her. All the girls stared at her with distinct grins.

"Missy sweetie, you guys won't ever work out conflicts if you don't talk to him." Lexi sighed. The show came back from commercial but they still were hooked on helping their friend.

"You guys might think I'm making a big deal out of this." They were silent, "but that first time was special for me because…" Missy paused & let the girls anticipate.

"Because…"Shantea waited.

"It was my first time. He made it feel so special too. Then when I found out he told everyone, I was heart broken…" She put her and over her eyes, and rubbed her forehead. Lexi knew Missy did that when she was trying to hold back tears.

"He didn't tell everyone Missy, he only told Nick. His BEST friend. And now Nick's mad at me. I'm sorry I ever told you." Kylee got up and walked in front of Missy.

"No, I'm glad you told me." She looked up with an expressionless face. Kylee walked out of the room with a huff.

"What is the real problem Miss. I know you would never make this big a deal out of something like this. Tell me." There was no answer from Denise's comment. The girls gave up and left the room.

"Brian?" Kylee opened his bed curtain & looked in. She saw him but he said nothing. He was turned to the wall, breathing lightly.

"I'm so sorry…" Kylee said lightly. "It's all my fault. I should have never told Nick."

"Don't worry about it." Was all he said.

"Bri, you need to go try & talk to her."

"She won't talk to me." He continued to lay, back facing her.

"Just try. She's in there alone. Please?" she put a hand on his back & kept it there till he turned over, facing her. He got up & walked towards the wooden door. When he stepped in, he looked back at the four girls sitting at the table of the tour bus. They signaled him in the room. He shut the door behind him and saw Missy staring out the window, looking at passing trees. He stood for a second & hesitated to say something.

"I-" he started, but didn't finish. She turned her head slowly & glared at him. He walked slowly toward her, till he was standing by her. She patted the seat next to her and crossed her legs as he sat down.

"OK…this is hard." She nervously laughed and wiped at her nose. "Umm…well, I've been thinking a lot lately. And…and…I just don't feel…we're …meant to be together. Ummm…It has something to-"

"What? You just said the other day you loved me! Don't do this Miss-"

"It has something to do with what happened today…"she continued.

"I'm so sorry Brian, I just think we would be better off as friends. If you don't want to...then…then I'm sorry. I just have made this decision. Please…don't be sad, or mad. Just accept it Brian." She went in to hug him, but he did nothing back. She just sat back in her spot. Tears wheled up in her eyes.

"Missy…I love you so much though. You said you loved me too. Why are you all of a sudden deciding this?" He knew she wouldn't answer, so instead he sat and listened to her tears fall lazily to her knees. So many things ran through both of their heads. This was the first girl Brian had truly loved with all his heart, how could she do this to him. She gets mad at him for telling his friend they had made love, then decides to dump him. He just got up and left the room. Missy's tears began to fall faster and faster as she rocked back and forth rapidly.

The Girls

"What about you guys? You getting any?" Shantea asked Kylee, Lexi & Denise. They were sitting at the table still, talking headily.

"Yup!" Kylee grinned & laughed.

"Nope. Me & Kevin…we're not…like doing anything. We haven't really talked to each other since the night of the fair." She looked down at the table, scratching at it with her nails. "By the way…um I won't be staying here anymore. I need to be getting home…" she looked at them all with sad eyes.

"What! Why? Lexi, you can't go!" Kylee stressed.

"I don't feel comfortable here. Touring just isn't for me. It was fun while it lasted." She fidgeted in her seat.

"Well…I guess that's your choice. We'll miss you Lexi." Shantea smiled.

"I'll miss you guys too. I'll call a lot, I promise."

"I think I'll be going with you too Lexi. I need to get out of here." Denise was shaking, almost like a seizure.

"Whats the matter Denise? Are you ok?" Lexi looked at her, realizing her movement. Denise just smiled and shook her head weakly. "I wonder how Brian's doing." Denise wondered, peeking around the corner. They all looked at each other & smirked.

"Come on!" Lexi whispered. They all got up & tiptoed down the hall.

The girls stood to the door & listened in. All they heard was Missy crying. They all looked at each other with "oh no" s' on their faces.

Chapter 13: Then Who?
Chapter 15: You Said You Loved Me
Main Page
