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Chapter 15: You Said You Loved Me

*That Night*

“Ow!” Denise whistled as Erik came out from backstage in a towel.

“Damn, boy works out!” Lexi growled. She would give ANYTHING to be with Erik, too rub herself all over his sexy body. All five girls were sitting in the TV room watching “Odd Man Out”. It went on to commercial. Denise couldn’t stand it anymore. She turned to Missy and said, “You need to talk to him Miss.” She caringly put a hand on her shoulder. Missy continued to look at the TV. She didn’t say anything, acting as if she didn’t hear her. All the girls stared at her with distinct frowns.

“Missy sweetie, you guys won’t ever work out conflicts if you don’t talk to him.” Lexi sighed. The show came back from commercial but they still were hooked on helping their friend.

“You guys might think I’m making a big deal out of this.” They were silent, “but that first time was special for me because…” Missy paused & let the girls anticipate.

“Because…” Denise waited.

“It was my first time. He made it feel so special too. Then when I found out he told everyone, I was heart broken…” She put her hand over her eyes, and rubbed her forehead. Lexi knew Missy did that when she was trying to hold back tears.

“He didn’t tell everyone Missy, he only told Nick. His BEST friend. And now Nick’s mad at me. I’m sorry I ever told you.” Kylee got up and walked past Missy to the door.

“No, I’m glad you told me.” She looked up with an expressionless face. Kylee walked out of the room with a huff.

“What is the real problem Miss. I know you would never make this big a deal out of something this stupid. Tell me.” There was no answer from Denise’s comment. The girls gave up and left the room.

“Brian?” Kylee opened his bed curtain & looked in. She saw him but he said nothing. He was turned to the wall, breathing lightly.

“I’m so sorry…” Kylee said lightly. “It’s all my fault. I should have never told Nick.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Was all he said.

“Bri, you need to go try & talk to her.”

“She won’t talk to me.” He continued to lay, back facing her.

“Just try. She’s in there alone. Please?” she put a hand on his back & kept it there till he turned over, facing her. He got up & walked towards the wooden door. When he stepped in, he looked back at the three girls sitting at the table of the tour bus. They signaled him in the room. He shut the door behind him and saw Missy staring out the window, looking at passing trees. He stood for a second & hesitated to say something.

“I-“ he started, but didn’t finish. She turned her head slowly & glared at him. He walked slowly toward her, till he was standing by her. She patted the seat next to her and crossed her legs as he sat down.

“OK…this is hard.” She nervously laughed and wiped at her nose.

“Umm…well, I’ve been thinking a lot lately. And…and…I just don’t feel…we’re …meant to be together. Ummm…It has something to-“

“What? You just said the other day you loved me! Don’t do this Miss-“

“It has something to do with what happened today…”she continued.

“I’m so sorry Brian, I just think we would be better off as friends. If you don’t want to...then…then I’m sorry. I just have made this decision. Please…don’t be sad, or mad. Just accept it Brian.” She went in to hug him, but he did nothing back. She just sat back in her spot. Tears whelmed up in her eyes.

“Missy…I love you so much though. You said you loved me too. Why are you all of a sudden deciding this?” He knew she wouldn’t answer, so instead he sat and listened to her tears fall lazily to her knees. So many things ran through both of their heads. This was the first girl Brian had truly loved with all his heart, how could she do this to him. She gets mad at him for telling his friend they had sex, then decides to dump him. He just got up and left the room. Missy’s tears began to fall faster and faster as she rocked back and forth rapidly.

*The Girls*

“What about you guys? You getting any?” asked Kylee, Lexi & Denise. They were sitting at the table still, talking headily.

“Yup!” Kylee grinned & laughed.

“Nope. Me & Kevin…we’re not…like doing anything. We haven’t really talked to each other since the night of the fair.” She looked down at the table, scratching at it with her nails. “By the way…um I won’t be staying here anymore. I need to be getting home…” she looked at them all with sad eyes.

“What! Why? Lexi, you can’t go!” Kylee stressed.

“I don’t feel comfortable here. Touring just isn’t for me. It was fun while it lasted.” She fidgeted in her seat.

“Well…I guess that’s your choice. We’ll miss you Lex.” Shantea smiled.

“I’ll miss you guys too. I’ll call a lot, I promise.”

“I think I’ll be going with you too Lexi. I need to get out of here.” Denise was shaking, almost like a seizure.

“What's the matter Denise? Are you ok?” Lexi looked at her, realizing her movement. Denise just smiled and shook her head weakly. “I wonder how Brian’s doing.” Denise wondered, peeking around the corner. They all looked at each other & smirked.

“Come on!” Lexi whispered. They all got up & tiptoed down the hall.

The girls stood to the door & listened in. All they heard was Missy crying. They all looked at each other with “oh no” s’ on their faces.

*Shantea and A.J.*

“Is this the house?” Shantea pointed to a little baby blue house outside the window.

“Yup.” A.J. turned the steering wheel into the driveway of the house. He parked it and got out, walked around to Shanteas’ side of the Forest Green Rover A.J. rented for this day and opened the door, helping her out. She smiled wide at the little, TV perfect house she was walking towards. She was dreading seeing the girl that was the dad of A.J.’s baby, but she did it for him. He wanted her to go. He knocked on the door. As they waited, he held Shantea’s hand and smiled at her.

“Hey A.J.! How are you?” A young women answered the door with a big, perky smile on her face. She was small and had long light brown hair to the middle of her back. She had big beautiful brown eyes, and dark brown painted lips. Shantea was almost shocked at how pretty she was.

“Hey Kelsie.” A.J. let go of her hand and hugged the women.

“This is Shantea.” Shantea smiled and clasped her hands behind her back. They walked in, Shantea leading on the back. The house was almost perfect. It had white walls and white carpet. She followed them into a room by the kitchen. There was a crib in the middle of the floor with a little baby laying in it, it’s feet in the air.

“There’s my little Kay Kay.” A.J. bent over and picked up the fragile doll, holding it her in the air. He smiled and did all that baby stuff, with the noises. A.J. signaled her over to him to see the baby. She walked softly to him. She looked up at the baby and smiled widely. She has always loved little babes. After awhile of holding Kayla and playing with her, they sat down to eat the lunch Kelsie pre-paired.

“So, where did you meet A.J.?” Kelsie asked Shantea, putting a plate on the table.

Shantea swallowed the soda in her mouth and answered, “Me and my friends were at a fair in our town, when A.J. was there with the guys. They had performed a concert the night before…” Shantea nodded her head, picking up a chip.

“That’s sweet. Meeting at a fair.” She smiled and flipped back her hair.

“Hey Kel, we were wondering if we could to take Kayla shopping today?” A.J. asked her, after thanking her for the lunch.

“Sure. I don’t see a problem with that. Don’t get her to much though, don’t want to spoil her.” With yet another smile. She walked over to Kayla, who was balling cause she dropped her binky. A.J. looked over at Shantea and grabbed her hand, squeezing it.

“Thank you.” He said softly. Shantea just sat back and took a drink.

*That Night*

Kylee and Denise were sitting at the table, eating ice cream sundaes they had just made.

“Denise…are you ok?” Kylee asked, looking down at her ice cream, stabbing it with her spoon.

“Yeah…why do you ask?” she felt a knot in her stomach as Kylee opened her mouth.

“Well, I’ve been noticing you have been eating a lot lately. Then in the morning, I hear you in the bathroom. Are you sick?”

“N-No. I just…get hungry. You know I can’t hold in my food when we’re moving.” She made up stuff at last minute.

“You never have before. We used to always take the boat out to Lake Pleasant, and you never got sick.” She waited for Denise to answer to her. Kylee felt anger build up in her.

“God! What is your guy’s problem! We have been friends for a long time, and everyone still keeps stuff from each other.”

“You don’t have to know everything that goes on in our lives, Kylee. If you don’t know, maybe you shouldn’t.” Denise tried to stay calm.

“No, I’ve been a good friend for what? 5years. I think I’ve earned the right to know you guys that much. I can’t if you won’t share it with me. Let me try and help Denise.” She looked right into her eyes and pleaded for her trust. Denise couldn’t argue with that so she took a deep breath.

“I…was rape.” she said as softly and calm as she could.

“Omigosh…Denise…when?” she choked out of total shock.

“Remember that week of school I missed last year?” She pushed her bowl away, losing her appetite.


“Well…that’s why I was gone.”

“Why didn’t you tell any of us? We could have helped you Denise.”

“I know, but I couldn’t. He threatened that if I told anyone, he would make our life a living hell.”


“My family’s.” she looked away, letting a tear escape.

“Do you know his name-what he looks like?”

“Both.” They stopped when someone walked into the rest room and shut the door.

*A.J. and Shantea*

“But my love is all…I have to give. Without you, I don’t think I can live.” A.J. sang to Kayla as they drove to the nearest mall. Shantea was peering out past the highway, into the long rows of yellow daises that lined a bright green field. Soon, an ocean appeared in her view. She was speechless at the beautiful scene. A.J. glanced over at her and saw the longing look on her face. She turned onto the exit that headed towards the ocean. Shantea finally realized what he was doing when they pulled up to a gate. A.J. smiled and got out of the car. He took Kayla out of her car seat and helped Shantea out.

“A.J.! I thought we were taking her shopping?” Shantea asked him, as he led her to the white sandy beach. A cold, damp breeze hit her face softly. With Kayla in his arm and Shantea in his hand, he closed his eyes and inhaled the salty air. They sat down in front of the water line and played with Kayla, digging her feet into the sand. Kayla laughed and threw her hands in the air. Shantea drew out ‘We Love You Daddy’ in the sand and her and Kayla layed down in front of it. A.J. went and got his camera to take a picture. After spending a half-hour playing around on the beach, they got back into the car and drove to the mall. They were walking around the store, getting practically everything they saw, and threw it into the cart. They were playing around with all the toys, throwing balls at each other and shooting fake laser guns. After they dropped Kayla off, they headed home.

“She’s a real sweet girl. Have you ever thought of taking her on tour?” Shantea flipped through the stations on the car radio.

“Yeah, but it would be to much of a hassle. I wouldn’t have barely any time.” He looked franticly for a space in the next lane.

“Well…” She turned her head to the side and intertwined her hand in his, “Not if I took care of her.” She smiled happily. A.J. just looked to the road and continued driving. A frown took over her smile and she took her hand away. She looked out the window with her hands to her neck.

“Shantea?” A.J. could tell something was wrong. “What’s the matter?”

“You don’t trust me with her, do you?”

“Yes I do! I trust you with my life babe.” He put his hand on her leg and rubbed it.

“Then why didn’t you answer me when I said I could take care of her?”

“I was thinking. I’m sorry. That would be a good idea. I’ll talk to Kelsie about it later k?” he laughed and turned the station when *N Sync came on.

“Ok.” She smiled again and scooted closer to him.

*Two Days Later*

“Good mornin Lexi.” Brian walked in from his bunk to the frig.

“Oh…hi Missy.” He looked away immediately and got a glass out.

“Hi.” She turned back to Lexi and continued her conversation.

“Howie told me about a party tonight. It is the World Premier of Final Destination. He asked if I wanted to be his date! I can’t wait Devon Sawa….oh yeah.” She faded when she remembered Brian was in the room. She picked up her milk glass and finished it.

“Hey Bri, do we get to stay in a hotel tonight?” Lexi asked him, patting his back as she got up to put her bowl in the sink.

“Yeah, I think so. Hey, what are you up to tonight?” he sat down across the table from Missy and directed the question to Lexi.

“Nothing. Why?” she leaned against the counter and folded her arms.

“Well, I was invited to the party also, and I happen to be single.” He could feel Missy glance at him. “Would you like to be my date?” he smiled and stuck out his elbow as if her hand were to go through it.

“Ummm…” she looked at Missy nervously, not wanting to make her mad. Missy just nodded and acted tough. “Sure. I’d be happy to.” She stuck her hand through his arm and pushed him over with her butt to sit down.

“Hey guys.” Kevin bent over into the frig and got out a protein shake. “Talkin about the Premier tonight?”

“Yeah.” Missy answered him. She scooted over to the middle to let him in.

“I’m taking some girl I met at the bar last night. She’s pretty interesting.” He shook the green concoktion of the clear plastic container and popped a hole in it.

“Howie’s taking me. Brians taking Lexi. I’m sure Nick’s taking Kylee and A.J.’s taking Shantea.” Missy informed.

“What’s her name?” Lexi folded her legs up under her.

“Sam. She’s a model for Cosmopolitan.” Kevin wiped his mouth and smiled.

“You know, I never understood why boy bands always had these perfect girlfriends and dates all the time. It’s so clique’. I know they’re perfect too, but in interviews and stuff, you always say how sweet you are and you don’t care what they look like. By taking them, you’re being a hypocryte.” Lexi shook her head.

“I don’t know why either, really. They’re the only girls that just come up to us and flirt. Like they have more self-confidence or something. Since they know how it feels to be in the public eye constantly and short on time, it’s easier to get along. We’re not doing it on purpose.” Brian replied.

“Well, since girls always see you with barbies, they feel that’s the only type you go for. So of course they’re not just gonna come up to you.” Missy decided to get into the conversation.

“If they were the kind we go for, they would.” Kevin put it all out on the table.

“Models need love too.” Brian defended their gesture. Missy and Lexi just shook their heads in disagreance and looked at each other.

Chapter 14: Pants Down
Chapter 16: Karioke Night *NOT YET! :oP*
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