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Chapter 16

*Movie Premier Night*

Shantea screamed as Devon Sawa almost fell onto a log from rolling down a hill. She leaned against A.J. for comfort. He just smiled as he looked up at the huge screen. They were all sitting at a round table in an auditorium with hundreds of movie, music and TV stars seated at exact tables like theirs. Missy wasn’t paying much attention to the movie, but all the familiar faces around her. She glanced next to her, and Julia Roberts winked. She looked to the other side, and Jim Carey smiled his famous smile. She couldn’t believe she would ever be at one of these things. She kept telling herself it wasn’t real, but realized it was. All the guys were in fancy Armony suits, with their dates wearing slinky dresses, and ball gowns. Fortunately, Denise didn’t want to go, since she had no date anyways. The movie went on intermission and everyone got up to talk to their friends and neighbors. Kylee almost fainted as she noticed Devon slip on stage. Everyone shhhed each other and listened to him talk.

“Hey guys. So…does it suck yet?” he joked, looking up at the people in the top audience. Everyone laughed softly and hooked their attention back on him. “Wow, guess it did. Anyway, I want to take this opportunity…I haven’t won an award yet, but I’d like to…I want to thank John Lopez, Sue Alen, Andrew Doromy, Tom Adson ,Sam Devine, Lou Laugen, Fatima Ritter, Jo Jo Hymb…Everyone involved with this movie. They’re really nice people, and I had a blast making this film with them. And I want to give my gratitude to all you busy people out there that took your time to come to this premier tonight. It makes me feel appreciated that you would take time out of your over loaded schedule to see my latest masterpiece.” He said sarcastically and laughed. “It means a lot.” he waved and walked off stage to people clapping and whistling. After the premier was over, they all crammed into a limo to drive to their hotel they were staying in that night.

“Omigod, did you see Julia Roberts sitting right next to us!” Lexi squealed, while the girls all blabbed on about their star-studded night.

“I know! She winked at me!” Kylee exclaimed, holding Nick’s hand.

“Wow guys, a little too excited?” A.J. asked, half sarcastic.

“Well, you guys see stars practically every day. Hell, you ARE stars. We see them on TV, that’s it.” Shantea answerd with wit.

“They are just normal people. The only difference is that their career happens to be to entertain the world.” Howie looked in the frig for a drink.

“Yeah, I guess you're right.” Missy said.

“I know I am.” he smiled. They drove in silence the rest of the way home.

*Two days later, In Hotel*

“When are you guys leaving?” Kylee pushed play in the radio, Christina Aguliera started drifting from the speakers.

“In about 2 weeks probably. We only have a month till school starts. By the way, Shantea. What are you gonna do? Aren’t you coming home?” Denise threw herself on the bed, restlessly.

“A.J.’s gonna get me a tutor.” Shantea put her P.J.’s on. They were light and dark pink cheetah print silky pants with a white tank top. The girls were by themselves. The guys were out by themselves. They decided to take a night away from each other. Missy and Lexi were down stairs getting ice from the lobby.

“What? You’re not going back to school?” Kylee had a distinct frown on her face, as she couldn’t believe what her best friend was doing.

“Yeah…” she looked down at her pants and smiled. “We really love each other. I can’t spend more than a month-or a week at that, without him. I would miss him way too much.”

“You’re frigen 15 years old Shan. You can’t do that. What about your mom? She doesn’t care?” Kylee stood in the doorway of the bathroom with her arms crossed.


“Not at all?”

“Not at all.”

“She’s gonna let you miss out on a once in a lifetime chance to go to high school? I don’t believe it.”

“Can’t you just support me instead of criticize me?” Shantea got up and faced her.

“Well-I…ugh. I do support you Shan. I just don’t…”

“You don’t what?”

“I don’t think it’s gonna last very long with you two. It’s young love. Especially you being 15 and A.J. being 22.”

“It’s happened before.”

“Rarely Shantea. Rarely.” Kylee walked in the bathroom and shut the door behind her. Shantea stared at the door for a second then stormed into her room, slamming the door. Denise took a deep breath and stared at a wall, waiting for the other girls to get back.

*The Guys*

“Wow Kev, never seen you dance so…freaky before!” Nick yelled in excitement as Kevin Techno danced to Ambers “Sexual” on the luminated dance floor. They were all at a dance club in south L.A., dancing their asses off. Howie was dragged off by a girl that looked like she came straight out of the “Livin’ LaVida Loca” video. Her dress was nothing but a handkerchief and a mini skirt, silky and shining. Kevin and Nick were dancing and Brian sat at the bar, sipping a coke. He didn’t seem to be in the club mood tonight but decided to go for the heck of it.

“Hi. I’m Maggie.” A young, Sweetish-looking girl sat down and ordered a sprite. She grinned with maroon painted lips and pushed her bright golden hair with blue and orange lights dancing on it out of her face. She looked over at him, resting her head on her bare shoulder.

“Ummm hi. I’m Brian.” He popped the cherry from his soda into his mouth. They caught each other looking at one another’s hand for a wedding ring. They looked up and laughed, barely loud enough to hear each other over the loud booms and screeches.

“Why aren’t you out getting’ your groove on?” She smiled and took a quick drink of the sparkling liquid in front of her.

“Awww…I’m not in the mood tonight.”

“Then why did you come? To soak in the tunes?” She swung her barstool to the side and clasped her hands in her lap.

“Just-yeah I guess.” He smiled and examined his hands thoroughly.

“Life sucks without music.” She laughed. “Do you not get enough of it in your day?”

“Oooohhh, I get plenty. Almost too much sometimes.” He laughed again, half sarcastically.

“Oh, I see.” She tapped the table to the drums beating in the background. He studied the side of her face. She was so beautiful. She had the blonde, blue eyed babe going on. But Brian liked it. By ordering a coke, he could tell she was very clean. She didn’t have a sign of cigarettes on her either.

“What do you do?” He tried to start a conversation.

“I…actually, I am…an exotic dancer.” She kind of chuckled nervously, almost ashamed of her career.

“Oh…um cool. You are very pretty. You should be a model.” He smiled and turned side ways also.

“Thanks. But, I’ve already tried to get in that profession. Wasn’t cut out for it I guess.” Brian didn’t say anything. He just sat and continued to stare at her.

“What do you do?” She finished the rest of her sprite, then began cracking peanuts in a bowl.

“I-I…I’m in entertainment.”

“Really? What do you do?”

“Ummm. Uh-sing.” He shifted in his chair uncomfortably. It was hard for him to tell girls he was a famous teeny bopper group.

“That’s so cool. I can sing too. Are you in a garage band or something? Chour? You kinda look like a church boy.” She smirked and stopped eating.

“Wow. I do?” he ran his hand through his hair and smiled widely.

“Yeah. But it’s cute.” She tilted her head to the side and smiled the most beautiful smile Brian had ever seen.

“Oh thanks. Well I’m in a group. I dunno if you’ve heard of us…but I’m par-“

“B Rok!” Nick smacked him on the back. “Come dance man!” he pulled on his arm and stopped when he noticed Maggie sitting there.

“This is Maggie, Nick.” Brian introduced She smiled at him and Nick smiled back.

“Hey.” He shook her hand. “You guys wanna do karioke? They’re starting in five minutes.” He stood, waiting for a response.

“Sure. Do you want to?” Brian shrugged his shoulders.

“I don’t care. Let’s go pick a song!” she jumped at the chance, and they headed to the back.

*10 Minutes Later*

Brian and Maggie took their spot on the stage. They looked at each other smiling and pre-paired for the song.

“Sweat baby sweat baby, sex is a Texas drought.” Brian started off, trying to hold back laughter that was building in his stomach. “Want you smothered, want you covered like my waffle house hash browns.” Everyone whistled and cheered as Maggie began the dance and sang “You and me baby ain't nothin’ but mammals, so lets do it like they do on the Discovery Channel.” They sang all night, entertaining the crowd and having fun. One song Maggie sang solo was Christina Aguileras “I Turn To You.” Brian observed her incredible singing skills. She sounded almost surpierior to Christina. Maggie jumped off, laughing at how stupid she felt.

“That was great!” Brian walked with her to the bar.

“I told you I sing. But thanks.”

“Have you ever considered a career as a singer?” They sat down at the bar after singing for 2 hours and got drinks.

“No. Just a hobby I guess.”

“Well you should. You are awesome.” They talked a little more. Brian drove her to her house, but ended up staying there.

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