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Chapter Two: Porta John's

“Hey AJ.Who was that girl staring at you?”Brian curiously asked.

“I dunno, but she was pretty cute.”AJ said, particularly complementing her sleek body.

“You should go talk to her, I saw her checking you out very close.”Kevin commented, raising one eyebrow.

“Maybe, but I know one of her friends will give us I’ll follow her…nevermind..I’ll be back later guys.”AJ said, wondering away from the 2 guys in not the greatest disguises.


“Hey lets go on the twirl top” Denise said.

A reply of yes’s and I don’t think so’s, were answered.

“Well who ever wants to go can go and the others will just wait here.”Kylee suggested.

“Good idea.”said Shantea.

Everyone went on but Kylee and Shantea.As shantea was just wonderly looking around she noticed a guy by the restrooms.He was waving for her to come.Shantea noticed this was the guy from the pizza joint.

“Hey Kylee I’m going to be right going to use the restroom.”she said.

“Fine, but be careful.there are a bunch of weirdos here.”

“I will.”she replied walking off nervously approaching the restrooms and the guy.

*Back with the OTHER guys*

“Hey where’s Nick and Howie going to meet us?Brian asked Kevin.

“I think at the ferris wheel.”Kevin replied.

“What time”Brian asked.

“In like 5 minutes.”Kev said.

“Okay.Lets start heading there then.”Bri said.

“Alrighty.”was kev’s remark.

With that, they were headed off.

*At the ferris wheel*

“When are they gonna get here?”asked nick impatiently.(my sweety pooh)

“Settle down you over exaggerated immature baby.”Howie barked.

“geez..d..whats with the attitude?”nick asked in shock.

“Nothing I’m just alittle irritated about me messing up my verse in last nights SPANISH EYES."howie answered upset.

“Oh howie my little-I mean big bro.don’t worry about one probably even noticed..They were all to busy screaming.”

“Gee thanks Nick that helped me a lot.”

“Your welcome D.”Nick said sarcastically.

*Meanwhile at the restrooms*

Shantea reached AJ and said “hi.”

“Hey,whats up?AJ eyed her cautiously making sure no sign of the BSB on her.Fortunatly, no trace was thankfully found.

“Oh nothing…”She said grinning from ear to ear.

“Well, I noticed you staring at me earlier…and I was hoping you weren’t staring at something hanging out if my nose…”AJ jokingly commented to the obviously shy, quiet girl standing in front of him..

“No, I just thought you were……..attractive.”she said turning a bright shade of red.

“don’t worry, I return the same feelings.”He looked at her with a serious face.but shantea stood breathless and speechless.there was so many things sshe wanted to say to him..about how cute he was…blah blah blah…

“Oh…uh…cool..i guess”she kinda laughed flirtasiously and smiled.

“so whats your name?”shantea asked.

“its james(as in his middle name!).Yours?”

“Shantae”she replied.

“So Shantea were those your friends at the table?:

“Oh, yeah.We actually came here looking for some group called the Backstreet Boys.Ky 2 friends,Missy and Lexi are obsessed with them and they really think there gonna meet them.So,you live here?”Shantea suddenly became all-talkative, realizing how easy it was to talk to james.

“Oh that’s cool.No, we are”pausing AJ thought quick to make up something..”Visiting …family.My friends Bri…I mean Kyle..has an Aunt here.So were crashing for the week.:He said, knowing she was kinda suspicious by his sparatic pauses and mistakes..

“Really?that sounds like fun.”

“Yeah, so did you catch ou-I mean the bsb concert last night?”I have to stop stumbling AJ thought to himself.

“Yeah, well not really, my three friends did, but when they got home and told me EVERY little detail,I felt like I was there.”she was mockingly laughing at her friends inside.

“I kn…”AJ was interipted as he gasped as a mob of over-excites girls started stampeding toward him.”Oh, shit!Come here!Hurry!”AJ yelled grabbing Shantea and pulling her behind the bathroom building…

Chapter 1: The State Fair
Chapter 3: A Secret Revealed
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