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Chapter 3: A Secret Revealed

*At Kylee*

"Where the hell is she?"Kylee asked herself almost expecting an answer as she looked around, searching for shantea.

"AHHHHHH!" screamed the 3 excites girls as they came down the exit ramp of the ride.

"That was so fun!Kylee-uh where is Shantea?"asked Missy, as she noticed shantea missing.

"I dunno, she said she would be right back.She had to use the restrooms."Kylee replied worried.

"Hmmmm...I bet she met some guy and is off playing little game.."denise winked as if translating herself.

"Yeah.Maybe, but we should try to find her."Missy commented.

As the girl turned to leave and try and find shantea, lexi stopped dead in her tracks as she squinted to see something a couple of rides down.

"What is it lexi?"questioned Denise."You look like you saw a backstreet boy!"sarcastically remarked Denise.

"I think I did…"She continue;y squinted and inched towards the 6 story ferris wheel.

"OMIGOSH!NOWAY!"she followed lexi until they hid behind a cotton candy stand and were peeking out the side.

"I think that's Howie!Oh shit, I really think that's him!AHHH!"the two girls started jumping up and down.

*Nick and Howie*

"Howie where could they possibly be?"Nick asked.

"I don't know, but im starting to get mad."Howie commented.

"What if they were attacked by fans?what if they've been kidnapped by them?"Nick said worried.

"I think there just fine.they probably got lost or forgot what time to meet."Howie said looking at all the people having a good time.I wish I could be normal for jus a couple of days.he though to himself.Soon his thought were interrupted by a young girl accidentally running into him.

"Oops, im so sorry, hi my name is Kylee, and this is Denise, Missy and elexis."Kylee greeted.

"Hello im adam and this is my bud cartman(from his name carter!)."Howie said welcomely.

"Well I am sorry again for bumping into you.i just wasn't paying attention."Kylee said thinking to herself what a fool she must look like, but she lost in rick, paper, scissors with the other she had to be the klutz.

There was just silence until lexi turned around to see 2 other guys that could pass for Brian and Kevin walking up toward them.

"Sorry were later."Btrian said giving nick and howie a look of introduce me to your little friends.

"That's okay"nick said,"These lovely ladies were just keeping us company."Nick said giving Kylee a huge smile.

"HI im kylee this is Denise, Elexis,missy and Shantea who we are currently looking for at the moment, is somewhere lost.

*Back to AJ and Shantea*

"james why are you running? 'shantea asked.

"Long story, just keep up"Aj yelled.

As they ran ever which way finally losing the girls he looked at shantea and said "hey I really like you, but you got to keep this one secret."

"of course silly.i can do that. That's easy."shantea said.

"well…im not really name is Aj and I am a member of the backstreet boys."

"what???can you repeat to me again?she said shocked.

"you heard me"AJ replied in relief.

"Well it doesn't matter, I still like you a lot too."She said smiling and starting to blush.

"well that's good to know"Aj said grabbing her hand.

"Hey lets gop on the ferris wheel togetherr."shantea suggested..

And with that they were off.

*Already at the Ferris wheel*

"I wonder were she getting worried."Denise worridly stated.

"I'm sure she fine"Replied Missy.

"Im sorry to intrude but my name is...."

"hes kyle and that's richard"howie interuptes winking at brian and Kevin.(see they have these code names they made for themselves!)

"yeah im Kyle and thats richard"Brian said pointing to kevin.

Then followed by a yell from AJ"Hey there you guys' are.I'd like you too meet someone.Guys' this is Shantea."

"Hi"she said to the guys.

"Shantea where have you been? Ive been worried about you."Kylee said disappointed.

"Im sorry I just was talking with this lovely guy to my left."She answered.

AJ whispered into shanteas ears"so those are your friends?"

"yep"she replied softly.

"Well any ways Shantea this is Brian, howie, nick, and kevin"he said forgetting that the rest of the girls probably didn't know who they really were yet.Also forgetting about there CODE names.

"your names are what?"Missy said.

"oh my god!"Lexi replied"You guys really are the backstreet…she faded as there was a moment of all the girls knew who they really were...........

Chapter 2: Porta John's
Chapter 4: The Ferris Wheel
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