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~*Chapter 5:Ice Cream!!*~

"Wow! Phoenix looks kinda like New York up here! So many lights everywhere." Shantea said, enthusiastically. >p?"Yeah." Said A.J., deep in thoughts. He wondered if he should make a move, since to him, this was the most romantic place in the world, to be at the very top of a ferris wheel. Shantea leaned forward to wave at missy, who was in the carriage in front of her.

"Hey! Missy! Hi!!" she screamed, waving excitedly. But Missy could hear her screams cause she was to busy laughing at Brian and his inhuman behavior.

"Ah! Stop it! Brian!" Missy giggled as he tried to tickle her."Quit it!"

"What the hell are they doing down there?!" wondered A.J., glancing at the rocking carriage in front of them.

"I have no idea!" Shantea chuckled and sneered at them.

"Oh! We're moving!" she said as they slowly moved downward.

"Well that was fun." A.J. commented weirdly, not directed toward anyone in general, even though Shantea was sitting right next to him.

"So-" she began to say before she stopped all of a sudden"I feel a bit queasy...anywayz, when do you guys leave?" Shantea asked , closing her eyes and leaning on A.J.

"I think Sunday, but we might leave later, depends if we have a concert the next night." he answered, flattered that she was comfortable enough to lean on him.

*10 Minutes Later*

"Hey, who wants ice cream!? I suddenly have the craving for it!" Howie questioned to the others.

A series of "yes's" answered his suggestion. T

hey walked towards the nearest parlor, when Missy scooted towards Shantea, who was EXTREMELY too close to A.J.. With a smile she asked "Will you come with me to the restroom?"

Shantea politely answered "You're a big girl, go by yourself! Im kinda busy..." She tried to hint to her.

"Please!" she practically spat out through clenched teeth.

"OK!" she ran with her to the restroom they were passing.

"Be with you guys ina minute!" The two of them ran into the smelly, crowded room.

"What is it?!" she angrily yelled at her annoying friend.

"Something's wrong here. I'm supposed to be madly jealous at you and A.J....but im not! I am actually happy!" Brian is so cool! I absolutely love being around him!" She explained, trying to look as believable as possible.

"Oh, hon, I think you just found out that A.J.'s not the one for you, Brian is!"

Chapter 4:The Ferris Wheel
Chapter 6
