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Chapter 6: Snap Shots

“I’ll have a hot fudge sundea.” Denise told the waitress her order.

“Me too.” Kevin repeated, giving her his menu. After everyone ordered and the watress left, there was an awkward silence.

“Where did Shantea and Missy go?” asked Nick, placing a friendly arm around Kylee, who obviously liked the idea.

“I think they went to the ladies room. Earlier they drank a 44 oz.! So they’ll be awhile!” Joked Lexi.

“Oh! There they are now.” excalimed A.J., getting up to let then in the booth.

“Thanks.” They both sat down shyly. Missy glanced over at A.J. and Shantea, watching them undress eachother with there eyes.

“Where are you guys staying?” Wondered Denise, being the curious little monkey she was.

“At ‘The Point’.” Answered the stretched out, relaxed Kevin, feeling he can trust them enough not to give out there location.

“Wow, that’s a pretty nice hotel. You guys like it?” Questioned Missy.

“Yeah, alittle bit to much, but it’s ok to stay for awhile.” Nick answered, speaking for all the guys. He boyishly glanced over a Kylee, who returned it, grinning uncontrolably.

*30 Minuets Later*
p>“AHHH!!!!!!!! I can’t squeeze in!” Screamed Missy, but found an open space on A.J.’s lap and decided to take it.

“ Oh, ok....” A.J. said as the tiny girl willingly took a seat on him. Shantea looked at her and gave a disapproving expression to both A.J. and Missy. And in return to it, she was given an inocent shrug by Missy. All the Backstreet Boys and the 5 girls had found a picture booth with the compacity of 6 people, but managed to fit all 10, since the girls were much smaller. Each guy on the seat had a girl upon his lap. Denise on Kevins, Kylee on Nicks, Elexis on Howies, Shantea on Brians and Missy on A.J.’s. After the picture was taken they all squeezed out.

*Outside Picture Booth*
“There done!” screamed Missy and Denise as the paper popped out of the slot. They ran over to the rest of the group, who was waiting and chatting by a stuffed animal machine.

“How’d they turn out?” eagerly asked Nick, but suddenly saw Missy stop dead in her tracks.

“What is it Miss?” Brian wondered, as he jogged over to see the problem. ,p>“Oh...nothing....” she said “ I thought I saw blot. but nevermind.” She made up an excuse.

“ok...” Brian eyed her suspiciously

“I can’t believe it! Shantea knows I like A.J., but she continues on liking him! and what REALLY disapoints me is that he seems to like her back! “ Bitterly thought Missy, noticing that A.J. and Shantea were holding hands in the photo. She had totaly forgotten about what she told Shantea in the bathroom ealier as she beat herself up inside.

*10 Minutes Later*

My father died about 10 years ago.”Kevin answered Lexi’s question while in a deep conversation standing in line to ‘The Zipper’.

“Im so sorry....if u dont mind me asking, how?” she asked sympatheticly.

“We’re not exactly sure” he answered.”We think of a brain tumor. How old are you again?” Kevin said, eager to change the subject.

“16, I’ll be 17 in March though.”

“Did you like the show? Truthfully, you dont have to answer what I WANT to hear, but what I NEED to hear.” He smiled, waiting for the answer.

“Oh, it was pretty good. Alot of energy. I have to admitt though, I didn’t think you guys played enough songs! but other than that....5 stars.” She smiled back, flirtatiously.

“Why, thank you.” he brushed some strands out of her face. “Man, she’s so beatiful.” Kevin thought to himself. A light breeze blew strands of brown hair back into her face. He leened forward to tuck them behind her ear again and leaned closer and closer till their lips met. They ignored the outside voices calling the to move forward and drifted off to their own little world, kissing as if they were connected and couldnt move.

Chapter 5: Ice Cream
Chapter 7: Total Gossip
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