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Chapter 7: Total Gossip

“Here's my cell #.” A. J. handed Shantea a piece of paper. She slowly grabbed it and sadly looked at him.

“! I’ll miss you too. Call me and we’ll make plans ok?” He enveloped her in a huge hug.

“Ok....” She broke away, waving, trying to make it seem so much easier than it really was. They all yelled ‘bye’ as the limo drove back to their hotel.

“This was an awesome day! We spent it with the Backstreet Boys! Finally, our wish....or more like pleads came true! Ahhhh!!!!!!!” Elexis screamed as Missy stood there, emotionless.

“Whats the matter hon? I thought you would be excited about this! Jeeze, it’s been our fantasy forever!”

“ Well yeah....but....nevermind!” She put on a falsely and hugged elexis enthusiastically.

“ There's my girl!” relieved, Elexis smiled.

*10 Minutes Later*

And we went on the ferris wheel, but A. J. didn't kiss me. I thought he was romantic, but the only thing I got was a touch of the lips on my forehead!” Shantea told her friend, remembering the unforgettable events that had happened the day before.

“Your shitting me Shan! The actual Backstreet Boys hung out with you guys! Not fair.....not fair at all! A.J.’s the one with the GREAT body and intriguing cocky attitude right????” Kelly begged the details out of Shantea.

“ Yup, he looks so familiar though....I mean like one of those faces you’ve seen before but you don't know when or where or maybe you saw him in a dream....” She trailed off, deep in thought to figure out WHERE she’s seen him before.

“Yeah, I know what you mean. But come on Shan, he’s from the bsb, of coarse you’ve seen him SOMEWHERE! He’s plastered over all the magazine covers and almost every teen girls wall in the fricken world!” She exclaimed “A.J.? McLean? Hmmm.....oh yeah.....isn’t he the one your friend Missy....i think.....likes? And is convinced she’s gonna marry him? Uhhh....Shantea....u still there?” She sat, waiting for her friends reply.

“Oh shit!” Shantea moaned as she remembered seeing A.J.’s pictures plastered ALL over Missy's wall. How could she forget!

*At the Same Time*

I really liked that Kylee chick. Man was she hot. And she had that little can wrap your hands around and cuddle her....” Nick smiled, dazing off to day dream of his new found dream girl.

“She’s gotten to you, huh?” Howie asked, already knowing the answer.

“ Oh hell yeah, she's everything I want in a girl.....She's sweet, mature...caring, childish, playful......” He dragged on, as if writing a biography on her.

“ Damn Nick, you would be happy with a blow up doll. Why are you all of sudden so serious about just one girl your gonna forget about as soon as we leave?” Howie knew Nick too well to know he didn't know have the first clue to what love was, unlike him.

“Come on Howie, people change. Am I not a person all of a sudden or something? And what about you! I think each one of them has gotten to us. What are you smiling about Kev?” Nick realized Kevin was staring at something and smiling as if it were a secret that only he knew.

“Aww.....Nothing much.....” he was approached by Nick, who noticed what he was staring at. “See! You really like that Lexi girl, I like Kylee, A. J. ’ totally in love with Shantea, Brian’ Missy and Howie, damn boy, you and Denise, she could be YOUR blow up doll dude! You two are like Jenifer Lopez and Enrique Iglesias !(thx for the spelling sarah!) It’s like a perfect match. Two Latinos in love!” He grinned, remembering the 2 staring into eachothers eyes. “ We should just ask them to come on tour with us!”

“Oh no Nick. Not again. We've asked to many girls to come with us. Then they end up being one night stands. How do you know these girls are supposed to be “the one's” for us?” Kevin questioned his so immature friend.

“It doesn't hurt to try and I have a strange feeling that they wont be “one night stands”.” he very seriously looked at his two friends sitting side by side in chairs. They looked at him and sighed. There was no way they could say something that would change Nicks mind. And if they tried, they would only be challenged to a dreamcast game, which is unfortunately how he solved all his conflicts. So they gave him a look of intolerance.

“All right! You guys rule!” He ran out the door, slamming it behind him.

“ I must admit Kev, It's gonna be pretty exciting having a bunch of girls on the bus again.” Howie grinned slyly only to get one back in return to his rude but true comment.

Chapter 6: Snap Shot
Chapter 8 : Bitch Fight
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