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Chapter 8 :Bitch Fight

“Hurry up! They're meeting us in like 20 minutes!” gushed Shantea as she helped Missy finish getting ready.

“I'm not going.” The little 3 year old side of Missy began to show as she pouted and looked at Shantea puppishly.

“What? It’s the fricken Backstreet Boys taking US to the movies and you don't want to go? Why?” She knew the reason but decided to act dumb to help prevent an argument.

“You know why Shantea, don’t act so fucking stupid. You KNOW I like A.J. but you still continue to through yourself all over him!” Missy got up and walked towards Shantea, who was staring speechlessly at her.

“Stupid Bitch.” Missy spat out walking out of the room,leaving Shantea wide-eyed and shocked, but none the less, she ran after her.

“Missy! I totaly forgot you liked A.J.! I sware!” She sadly but honestly exclaimed to her pissed friend, grabbing her arm so she would listen to her plea for forgiveness. “And anyways, I thought you said you liked Brian instead of A.J.?”

Changing the subject back, Missy remarked “ You knew it was A.J. Shantea, but being as selfish as you are, YOU wanted him!”

“NO, Missy, please believe me!”

“If your such a good friend, and you don’t like him THAT much....break up with him. Just call him and say “I can't see you anymore”” Missy made an imaginary phone in her hand, making it seem like it wasn’t that big a deal to just break his heart in the snap of her fingers.

“What! It’s not that easy Missy....come on. Could you do that to Brian IF you guys were dating?” Shantea looked at Missy, waiting for the right answer.

“Well....of coarse I could. I’m not a chicken like you though, so if you can’t do it, then just consider us ex-friends ok?” Missy continued to act like a bitch, but Shantea could see in her lonely eyes, that she was just mad. So Shantea didn’t say anything, she just walked past her, ran down the stairs and slammed the door behind her. Missy stood, relizing what she had done.

“Damn it Missy, why do you do this all the time!” Trying to push past it, Missy continued getting ready.

*AT the Same Time*

A.J. and Brian sat waiting for the 5 girls to show up.

“Missy seems pretty cool.” A.J. commented to Brian

“Yeah but I don’t think she’s as interested as you?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t really have time to notice you guys or anybody at that...” A.J. said slyly, chuckling to himself.

“ Yeah, you and Shantea were getting hot and heavy. I just hope you don’t play her like you did Jamie man, that was wrong A.J..” Brian sarcasticly informed him.

“I know, I know. But I knew from the beggining that we weren’t ment to be....she was just fun...and I think she felt the same way, we just enjoyed eachothers company. So in the end, we played eachother just as much as the other.” A.J. smiled back, remembering all the fun times him and Jamie had.

“Whatz up guys?” Howie greeted the 2 backstreet boys, all dressed up for some mysterious maskeraid ball or something.

“Wow, Where’s Mr. Latin Lover going?” Brian smirked.

“ Me and Denise planned to go to a fancy Italian restraunt. You guys don't mind do you?” Howie asked, concerned of his friends reaction.

“ Oh no, go knock yourself out. Make this girl feel as special as possible!” A.J. kinda teased, since he wasn't interested in that kinda stuff.”


A.J. walked to the side, taking out his cell phone to answer it.


“ this A.J.?” asked a tiny nervous voice.

“Speaking. Who might I ask is this?” “ It's Shantea! What, do you expect other girls calling?” She laughed.

“ Oh yeah, Ive got tons of girls calling me 24/7 baby! Im just messin’. So, sup sweets?” A.J. curiously asked, leaning against a pole, happy to hear her cute little voice.

“ Ummm...I won’t be making it to the movies....sorry, but my mom is really sick....and needs me to help her out.” Suddenly the happiness in the mood went away as she lied to him. There was a silence, but then A.J. said “ Ok, well listen, everyone's showing up now, so I guess I’ll catch you later. Bye.” He hung up the phone, half heart-broken, half-angered. He took a deep breathe of air and put on a smile, walking over to the new arrivers.

Chapter 7: Total Gossip
Chapter9: Butter?
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