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Chapter 9: Butter?

“ Lady’s first.” Howie smiled, ushering Denise into the luxurious restraunt.

“Thanks.” She girlishly smiled, lowering her head and tucking hair behind her ears. They were led to to a isolated table in the corner of the dimly lit place. After help seating his date, Howie sat down himself. Denise looked at the menu, her eyes widening at the ovber priced meals on it. She looked at Howie and said “ Ummm...this is pretty expensive Howie...sure you want to eat here?”

“Don’t worry about it! I’ve got us covered! worry free k?” He sweetly told her, putting his hand on hers. She just smiled and nodded.

*AT The Movies*

“Ugh! I can’t believe this!” Screamed Kylee, wipping spilt popcorn off her brand new red shirt.

“ I am so sorry! I sware, I didn’t see that cup. I’ll bye you a new shirt! Oh...I feel so bad!” Nick exclaimed to the angered girl standing in front of him. She paused with her hands in the air and just grinned. “ Oh, don’t worry about. Sorry I reacted so badly. Accidents happen.” She put her hands behind her back, giving him a sexy, appaligetic look. Nick smirked and said “ Let’s go, we’ll go get you another shirt...” Nick and Kylee walked away, waving to the rest of them.

“ Sure, like their actually gonna get another shirt...” Kevin scoffed, turning back to Lexi, he said “ Let’s go, the movies startin’ in about 5 minuets.” He grabbed her waiste, leading her in.

*At The Same Time*


“Coming! Hold on!” Shantea yelled, tripping over the end of the couch. She had been taking a nap, dreaming happily of A.J. and her at the fair. When she finally reached the door, she peeked out the peek hole, seeing it was A.J., she was surprised, but fixed her hair and her clothes. She slowly opened the door. A.J. stood, holding a can of chicken soup and a single rose.

“ This is for your mom. And this....” A.J. slipped into the house, handing her the rose, then putting his arms around her waiste, said “Is for you.” He kissed her and smiled.

“ Awww! Thank you! She’ll love it And I love the rose....your so sweet!” She said, kissing him back.

“ So, how’s your mom?” A.J. wondered, letting her go and walking casually into the living room.

“ Oh...she’s umm...sleeping. What are you doing here? Didin’t you guys go to the movies tonight?” She walked into the living room after him, taking a seat next to him.

“ Just thought I’d stop by. I wanted to see you tonight.”

“ Well, that’s thoughtful. Thankz. I was just sleeping....I’m really bored. I cna’t stand staying home anddoing nothing!” She informed him eagerly, finally glad to have him and someone to talk to.

“ That’s why im here. Just wanna hang out here and talk for a while?” He asked, mentaly planning to spend the night.

“ Sure...” She smiled.

*Back At The Movies*

“ Sorry I’m late!” Missy put yet another fake smile on her face and sat down beside Brian.

“Thought you weren’t gonna show.” Brian had a sad face on, but it looked real to Missy. She leaned towards Kevin and whispered “Whatz up with Brian?”

“Oh, his girlfriend Leah-Ann’s in this movie.”

“Oh…” She looked at him and new exactly how he felt. She had just recently broken up with four-year boy friend. It was then that she relised she was missing out on a really cool person. As the movie started, she glanced over to him, studying his fair, broad-jawed face so carefully, she felt as though she was painting a portrait of him.

“Brian…” she whispered in his ear. He turned and looked at her.

“Kiss me…” she said in a gaspy voice, leaning in for it. Startled, Brian obeyed. He also leaned in, closing his eyes. All of a sudden, a piece of popcorn hit him on the forehead. They just kinda stared at eachother, wondering what to do next. They both burst out laughing at the same time. He got up, dragging Missy along with him as he ran to the back of the theater. They sat down and continued what they started to do a few seconds ago…

Chapter 8:Bitch Fight!
Chapter 10: Cruel Intentions
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