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Jessica Kirby (me)=Girl that just moved into the house next to Nick Carter's house. Loves the BSB but doesn't know that she lives next to one of them. She LOVES A.J. She is a very shy, blonde haired, baby blue eyed girl almost 19. (Not really, I'm only 14 but you will see why I'm almost 19 in the story)

Lisa Boland= Jessica's close bestfriend, loves the BSB too but likes Nick most. Moved with her family to Florida, too. She is almost 20 .(Not really again, she is 13, too) Almost total oppisite of Jessica because she is not very shy at all. She also doesn't know that Jessica has moved next to Nick and Brian. People call her Lis.

Caroline Berry= Jessica and Lis' new friend that is from Flordia. She's 18.(Not really, she's 13.) Loves BSB and loves Nick. A little shy but not that shy. Same age as Lis, dirty blond hair. Bumps into Nick at the beach and well, read on.

Sarah Kier= Jessica's cousin in the story. She moves in with Jessica. She's 21. (Not really, she's 13.) She loves Kevin. Has blond hair and bluish greenish eyes. Isn't that shy. People call her Sarah, like normal.

Lisa Jones= Jessica's and Lis' best friend. She has dark blond hair and green eyes. She moves to Florida near Jessica and Lis. She loves Howie. She is not shy at all! People call her Lisa, cuz they would get her confused with Lis Boland if she was called Lis.

Alexander James McLean= You know who he is. He has dark brown hair, most of the time, and 11 tattoos in all! He has the most BEAUTIFUL, GOURGEOUS, ROMANTIC, brown eyes that I and almost everyone has seen! I personally think that he's the BEST singer, but that's my opion! He is the second youngest member at age 21. Where should I start with his many nicknames? Da Bone, Da Bone Daddy, Bone, Bones, Mr. Cool, well, that about it, oh yeah, A.J.!

Nick Carter= You know who he is. He has blond hair, and blue eyes. He is the youngest member of the Backstreet Boys at 19. He has one tattoo. Most girls like him, but I don't! His nickname is Chaos and Frack.

Brian Littrell= You know who he is. He has dirty blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. He is the "middle" aged BSB at age 25. He has one tattoo. He has a strong voice. Most girls like him second. His nickname is B-Rok and Frick.

Kevin Richardson=You know who he is. He has dark, dark brown hair and brown eyes. He is the oldest at the age of 27. He has a pretty good voice but don't ask him to dance! He took ballet and ballroom, so he doesn't know how to dance like let's say, A.J. Most girls don't like him, cuz he's the oldest. And he's the serious one. His nickname is Train.

Howie Dorough= You know who he is. He is the next to oldest in the group at the age of 26. He's Latino. Infact, one of his nicknames is Latin Lover. He has long black hair and dark brown eyes. He's the serious one in the group next to Kevin.

Blake Wilson= One of Jessica's best guy friends. Jessica USED to like him. That doesn't go good with Jessica's new boyfriend when Blake comes to Floriada and starts hangging with Jessica. He has dark brown hair, and brown.

T.J. Chavlier= He is another one of Jessica's best guy friends. He has light brown hair and I think brown or green eyes. His nickname is Chevy! Cuz of his last name. And he has another one, Geroge.*Ha* He calls Jessica Poke-Dots for some odd reason.

Britney Spears= You know who this girl is. She is friends with A.J. and his girlfriend doesn't like that very much. But things get settled. She has blond hair*Probably fake!*, blue eyes*Probably fake!* and she is a singer*Probably fake! Ha!* Her nickname in this story is Britt, or Britt-Britt.

Christiana Aguilera= Friends with Brit and has a really good voice.*You can tell I like her better then Brit!* She has blond hair and green eyes. Lis thinks she's after Brian, but guess what! You have to read on to find out! *Ha!*

OK. That was the character list. Now for the story! So, here goes nothing. Well, story

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