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Chapter 1: Full Names!

Full Names

{FYI: this story is written in the form of a play!}

A.J.: Hey, Nick!? Who is that FLY honnie out at that house for sale!?!?

Nick: How should I know? Maybe she is part of that family that just moved here today? Anyways I'm not looking at her I'm looking at that girl next to her!

A.J.: Man, I'm not looking at her for you! I'm looking at her for me!

Nick: You wanna go say hi to her, Bone? A.J.: I will if you go over there with me. Nick: Duh! I wanna meet that other girl!


Jessica: Hey, Lis!? You wanna go to the mall that I saw on the way here?

Lis: Yeah! Hold up so I can go change. OK? Jessica: Yeah, sure! Just hurry up so we can go.

[A.J. tapped Jessica on the shoulder, and Jessica turned around to see who it was but she about fainted instead of asking what did they want when she came face to face with the most beautiful deep brown eyes of the person that tapped her on the sholder]

A.J.: Hey, are you OK?

Jessica: Umm......I........uhh.....OH MY GOD...You're Alexander James McLean from the Backstreet Boys!

[A.J. was kinda startled to hear his whole name spoken]

A.J.: Uh.....Yeah...You know me and the group?

Jessica: Yeah! Duh! Ya'll are like THE most famous, talented, not to mention FINEST guys that ever walked the Earth!

[A.J. blushed big time but kept his cool]

A.J.: Yeah....Umm......Thanks, but I was wondering if you are the person that moved in?

Jessica: Yeah. My family and I moved in and my best friend moved in a few houses down. Oh, yeah. I'm Jessica Kirby.

A.J.: I guess you already know who I am but to be a gentalmen, I'm Alexander McLean but everybody calls me either A.J. or Bone. Nice to meet you. Oh, yeah this is my friend, Nick. I would guess you already know who he is, too.

Jessica: Yeah. Oh, there's my friend Lisa but everybody calls her Lis.

Lis: Jessica, who is...

[She stopped talking as soon as she saw the bright blue eyes of Nick Carter.]

Jessica: Lis, this is A.J. and Ni...

Lis: NICK CARTER! [Lis had cut Jessica off] OH MY GOD! You are Nick Carter! As in the Backstreet Boys, Nick Carter!

Nick: In the flesh. And you are

Lis: Uhh....Yeah......Jessica, can I see you for just a sec.?

Jessica: Yeah, hold on guys, I'll be right back. [Lis dragged Jessica over to the porch]

Lis: OH MY GOD! Why didn't you tell me that you were moving right next to Nicholas Gene Carter!?!?

[Nick also had the same reaction when he heard his name, well Lis had said it so loud how couldn't Nick hear it?]

Jessica: I didn't know either! So don't get all mad at me!

Lis: How could I be mad at my best friend that just moved into the house that is next to the one and only Nicholas Gene Carter![She said this with a sly grin across her face, but then again Nick's ears caught that someone said his whole name]

Jessica: Oh, OK. Just don't tell ANYONE, or every girl in the entire school will want to be my friend just because I live next to a Backstreet Boy. OK?

Lis: Yeah. That's fine with me!

[The girls went back to Nick and A.J.]

Nick: So? Do ya'll want to go do something?

[A.J. shot Nick a grateful look]

Jessica and Lis: Sure!

[They said this together] Jessica: We were gonna go to the mall. But we can do something else if you don't want to go there.

A.J.: Cool. I was kinda was hoping that we would go there. Who's gonna drive?

Jessica: Well I got a new car for my birthday last year, so we can go in that. If you want to that is? Nick: What kind of car is it?

Jessica: A new Volts Wagon... A.J.: Beatle!? [A.J. cut Jessica off]

Jessica: Yeah. Is that OK?

A.J.: Yeah! I love those things! Is it a convertible?

Jessica: Yup. It's silver, too, with a flower on the hood.

[Jessica said this with much pride 'cause she has always wanted a Beatle that looked like a hippie car.]

Nick: Cool. Let's go then!

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