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~*~Chapter 2 "Obbsessed"~*~

A.J.: Take a right here, and then a left at the McDon.......Hey can we go to McyD's first.....I mean if, you don't mind, of course.

Jessica: Sure. You read my mind.

A.J.: MacDaddys, here I come!

[Everyone giggled at A.J.'s comment]

Nick: A.J., you're very wierd.

[A.J. shot Nick a look, but this time it was not a grateful one, it was an evil one.]

Jessica: What do ya'll want and I'll go order it so you two can have a peaceful meal without the screaming girls that's gonna see ya'll if you go up there.

[Jessica pointed to the line with all the girls in it.]

Jessica: I think I already know what you want, A.J. Isn't it a Qurter Pounder with chesse, a large fry, and a large Mountain Dew with no ice? A.J.: Yeah, how did you know what I wanted?

[Jessica didn't want to sound like a tennybopper so she made up an excuse that wasn't true]

Jessica: Um.......My old neighbor's daughter is obbsessed with ya'll and she told me.

A.J.: Why did she tell you?

Lis: Cause Jessica is obbsessed, too. And anyways, she didn't have any neighbors with daughters!

[Jessica gave Lis an evil look]


[Nick and A.J. looked at each other with a confused look on thier faces. Then Jessica stopped fighting with Lis and looked at A.J. and Nick and blushed a lot of shades of bright red so did Lis once she turned towards Nick who had a wierd look on his face.]

Jessica: Sorry. I guess we kinda got carried away. So what do ya'll want to eat?

Nick: Well you already know what A.J. wants so I'll have a Crispy Chicken Delux.

Lis: That's what I'll have.

Jessica: Yeah. I bet.

Lis: What did you say?

Jessica: I didn't say anything.[She said this with her best innocent look. A.J. and Nick gave her enough money for all 4 meals and she left Lis there alone with the boys. Of course Jessica knew Lis was gonna say something to the boys about how obbsessed Jessica is over A.J. but she knew Lis wanted to stay there to flirt as much as possible with Nick and Jessica didn't feel like fighting with Lis so she didn't bother.]

Jessica: OK. I'm back. So what did Lis say about me when I was gone?

Lis: I didn't say anything about you, but now that you mentioned it A.J. said something about you .

[A.J. gave Lis an evil glare.]

Jessica: Oh, really? What did he say?

Lis: I can't tell you because I promised him. So just drop it. OK?

Jessica: No. I won't drop it. I want to know!

Nick: Don't worry, you will find out at the mall.

Jessica: Oh, come on! Tell me!

[Jessica started to tickle A.J. in the side. She knew that was his weak spot cuz she read it in a mag.]

A.J. [In between breaths]:Stop....You.......are.......gonna make.....a seen!

Jessica: OK! OK! Just tell me!

A.J.: Wait till we get to the mall and then I will tell ya. OK?

Jessica: OK, so everyone, get in the car and we can eat on the way there! Jessica: Why? Nick: Hey, Bone, that's not fair! You get food everywhere, too!

Jessica: I don't care. But if ya'll do you will be the ones cleaning it up!

A.J. and Nick: OK. [They said that together.]

[They got into Jessica's car and headed to the mall. A.J. giving her the directions]

A.J.: To the left.......Two lights.......Right......Another right.........Turn left and then there you are.

Nick: You know Bone knows his way to the mall!

[Everyone except A.J. laughed at Nick's remark.] Nick: I have told you a million times DON'T CALL ME NICKY! I HATE THAT NAME!

Lis: Chill, Nick! I kinda like the name.

Jessica: Lis, you like any name that anyone could give Nick, but as long as you can call him yours.

[Jessica and A.J. started to crack up, but Lis wasn't too happy and Nick was blushing.]

A.J.: That was great. Sorry Lis.

Lis: No, I think that is what you call A.J.!

[The oppisite happened. Jessica wasn't too happy, A.J. was the one who was blushing, and Lis and Nick were cracking up.]

Jessica: Lis....Shut-up.....Or I'm gonna....

Lis: You're gonna what?

[Jessica had a sly look on her face]

Jessica: Nick? Did you know that Lis has pix of you wallpapering her walls and cieling?

[Both Lis and Nick were blushing so much that thier heads looked like they were gonna explode.]

Jessica: Well just wanted ya to know if you already didn't.

Lis: Uhhhh.........Ummm.........Well.........Well, at least I don't have pix of A.J. in my closet and on my doors as well as on my walls and cieling.

[Oppisite again. Jessica and A.J. was blushing so much that it looked like thier heads were gonna explode.]

Nick: Before this goes any further, can we go in the mall?

Jessica: Ummm....Yeah, that might be a good idea. Let's go in.

A.J.: Fine with me.

Lis: Yeah me, too.

[They went into the mall and Jessica remembered that A.J. was gonna tell her what he said while she was gone to get the food.]

Jessica: We are at the mall now tell me what you said when I was gone to get all of your food.

A.J.: Huh? Oh, Yeah. You have to wait till we are about to leave. OK?

Jessica: No, you said when we got to the mall not when we leave the mall. So, tell me NOW!

A.J.: Just wait, Hun.*Oops*

Chapter 3 !NOT UP YET!
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